Course:SPPH381B/TermProject/Coffee Beans/Unloading Green Coffee Beans

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Unloading Green Coffee Beans

Sacks of Arabica Coffee

Dust from green coffee that is disturbed when unloading bags of beans has been shown to cause irritation and allergic reactions in a majority of workers[1]

Overworking can also lead to heart issues later in life, especially when the work involves lifting heavy objects (such as bags of cherries).[2]

Working around trucks and forklifts puts workers at risk of being hit or injured by these vehicles.

Occupational health and safety

Physical hazards

  1. Overworking and heart issues
  2. Injury from vehicles
  3. Injury from machinery

Chemical hazards

  1. Green coffee dust


  1. Oldenburg, M., Bittner, C., & Baur, X. (2009, August). Health risks due to coffee dust. Retrieved March 29, 2017, from
  2. @acsifferlin, A. S. (2013, April 19). Working Too Hard? Physically Demanding Jobs Tied to Higher Risk of Heart Disease. Retrieved March 29, 2017, from