Path 417 Cases |
Instructor |
David Harris
Agatha Jassem Ramon KleinGeltink Inna Sekirov |
Case Projects |
Case 1 |
Case 2 |
Case 3 |
Case 4 |
This Wiki consists of four infectious disease cases that form the backbone of the PATH417 course. You are assigned two questions during each case. You will be working on your first assigned question during weeks 1 and 2 researching and presenting information relating to this on the Case Wiki. You will be working on your own during the first week and with a peer group during the second week.
During the third week of the case your responsibilities switch to studying your second assigned question, starting from the work that your peers have done on this question using the Wiki and associated reference sources as the jumping off point for your learning. Your task is to summarize the information presented in the Discussion section of the Wiki. You are encouraged to explore different media/presentation tools in presenting your summary. A variety of these tools are listed on the Bio Video instructions page and information on working with them in the Wiki can be found there.