Course:MATH110/Archive/2010-2011/003/Groups/Group 05/Homework 4

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Homework 4

Question 1

Five persons named their pets after each other. From the following clues, can you decide which pet belongs to Suzan's mother?

   * Tosh owns a cat,
   * Bianca owns a frog that she loves,
   * Jaela owns a parrot which keeps calling her "darling, darling",
   * Jun owns a snake, don't mess with him,
   * Suzan is the name of the frog,
   * The cat is named Jun,
   * The name by which they call the turtle is the name of the woman whose pet is Tosh,
   * Finally, Suzan's mother's pet is Bianca. 

Solution Who is Suzan's owner?

Pet Owners

  • Tosh - male
  • Bianca - female
  • Jaela - female
  • Jun - male
  • Suzan - female


  • Cat - owned by Tosh
  • Frog - owned by Bianca
  • Turtle - owned by Susan by process of elimination - everybody else's pets is stated in the clues
  • Parrot - owned by Jaela
  • Snake - owned by Jun


  • Tosh - Parrot -see below
  • Bianca - Snake -see below
  • Jaela - Turtle - see below
  • Jun - CAT - given
  • Suzan - FROG - given

Tosh's owner is female and Bianca's pet is Suzan. Therefore, Tosh must be a Parrot and Jaela must be a turtle, Bianca is our last pet name, and the only animal left is the Snake.

To answer the question that the problem asks us to solve: Which pet belongs to Suzan's Mother?

  • Suzan owns the Turtle named Jaela
  • Jun the Cat belongs to Suzan's(frog) Mother(Bianca)


Question 2

Bohao, Stewart, Dylan, Tim and Chan are the five players of a basketball team. Two are left handed and three right handed, Two are over 2m tall and three are under 2m, Bohao and Dylan are of the same handedness, whereas Tim and Chan use different hands. Stewart and Chan are of the same height range, while Dylan and Tim are in different height ranges. If you know that the one playing centre is over 2m tall and is left handed, can you guess his name?

  • The problem states that two of the five players are left handed and three of the five players are right handed.
  • The problem also states that two of the players are over 2m tall, and that 3 of the players are under 2m tall.
  • If Bahao and Dylan are of the same handedness, and Tim and Chan use different hands then we can use the process of elimination to see that Bahoa and Dylan are right handed. We can see this because there are three players that are right handed and if Bahoa and Dylan have the same handedness and Tim and Chan use different hands, then they must be right handed.
  • The player playing centre position is left handed and over 2m tall. We can see that this cannot be Bahoa or Dylan, as they are both right handed.
  • Stewart and Chan are the same height and Dylan and Tim are different heights. Again, we can use the same logic as above to state that Stewart and Chan must be under 2m tall.
  • We already stated above that Dylan is right handed, so he must also be under 2m tall because he cannot be the centre player.
  • By process of elimination, we find that Stewart and Tim are both left handed, but because Stewart is under 2m tall, he cannot be centre player.
  • This leaves Tim being left handed and over 2m tall. Tim is the centre player.
  • Bahoa: Right handed and over 2m tall
  • Dylan: Right handed and under 2m tall
  • Chen: Right handed and under 2m tall
  • Stewart: Left handed and under 2m tall
  • Tim: Left handed and over 2m tall


Question 3

Adam, Bobo, Charles, Ed, Hassan, Jason, Mathieu, Pascal and Sung have formed a baseball team. The following facts are true: Adam does not like the catcher, Ed's sister is engaged to the second baseman, The centre fielder is taller than the right fielder, Hassan and the third baseman live in the same building, Pascal and Charles each won $20 from the pitcher at a poker game, Ed and the outfielders play cards during their free time, The pitcher's wife is the third baseman's sister, All the battery and infield except Charles, Hassan and Adam are shorter than Sung, Pascal, Adam and the shortstop lost $100 each at the race track, The second baseman beat Pascal, Hassan, Bobo and the catcher at billiards, Sung is in the process of getting a divorce, The catcher and the third baseman each have two legitimate children, Ed, Pascal Jason, the right fielder and the centre fielder are bachelors, the others are all married The shortstop, the third baseman and Bobo all attended the fight, Mathieu is the shortest player of the team, Determine the positions of each player on the baseball team. Note: On a baseball team there are three outfielders (right, centre and left), four infielders (first baseman, second baseman, third baseman and shortstop) and the battery (pitcher and catcher')


Ed- pitcher

Pascal - left outfielder

Mathieu - right outfielder

Sung - first base

Adam - centre outfielder

Hasan - second base

Bobo - catcher

Jason - third base

Charles - shortstop

Question 4

Six players - Petra, Carla, Janet, Sandra, Li and Fernanda - are competing in a chess tournament over a period of five days. Each player plays each of the others once. Three matches are played simultaneously during each of the five days. The first day, Carla beats Petra after 36 moves. The second day, Carla was again victorious when Janet failed to complete 40 moves within the required time limit. The third day had the most exciting match of all when Janet declared that she would checkmate Li in 8 moves and succeeded in doing so. On the fourth day, Petra defeated Sandra. Who played against Fernanda on the fifth day?

Day 1: If Carla played Petra then that means Fernanda could have played Janet, Li, or Sandra on the first day. Carla vs. Petra, Fernanda vs. Li, Janet vs. Sandra

Day 2: If Carla played Janet then that means Fernanda could have played Petra, Sandra, or Li on the second day. Carla vs. Janet, Fernanda vs. Sandra, Petra vs. Li

Day 3: If Janet played Li then that means Fernanda could have played Petra, Sandra or Carla on the third day. Janet vs. Li, Fernanda vs. Petra, Carla vs. Sandra

Day 4: If Petra played Sandra then that means Fernanda could have played Carla, Janet or Li on the fourth day. Petra vs. Sandra, Fernanda vs. Janet, Carla vs. Li

Day 5: Since each player only plays each of the others once, on the fifth day the matches are Petra vs. Janet, Li vs. Sandra and Fernanda vs. Carla.

Carla played against Fernanda on the fifth day.


Question 5

Homer finally had a week off from his job at the nuclear power plant and intended to spend all nine days of his vacation (Saturday through the following Sunday) sleeping late. But his plans were foiled by some of the people who work in his neighbourhood.

On Saturday, his first morning off, Homer was wakened by the doorbell; it was a salesman of magazine subscriptions.

On Sunday, the barking of the neighbour's dog abruptly ended Homer's sleep.

On Monday, he was again wakened by the persistent salesman but was able to fall asleep again, only to be disturbed by the construction workers next door.

In fact, the salesman, the neighbour's dog and the construction workers combined to wake Homer at least once each day of his vacation, with only one exception.

The salesman woke him again on Wednesday; the construction workers on the second Saturday; the dog on Wednesday and on the final Sunday.

No one of the three noisemakers was quiet for three consecutive days; but yet, no pair of them made noise on more than one day during Homer's vacation. On which day of his holiday was Homer actually able to sleep late?


Homer had a vacation from Saturday through to the next Sunday (9 days), lets point out the facts:

  • 1.Saturday - Salesman
  • 2.Sunday - Dog
  • 3.Monday - Salesman + Workers
  • 4.Tuesday -
  • 5.Wednesday - Salesman + Dog
  • 6.Thursday -
  • 7.Friday -
  • 8.Saturday - Workers
  • 9.Sunday - Dog

Since not one of the noise makers were quiet for 3 consecutive days, we would need a dog barking somewhere between Thursday and Saturday. We would also need the Workers somewhere between Tuesday and Friday. The only 2 noise makers that didn't occur on a same day were the workers and the dogs. In order for these 2 to land on the same day it must have occurred on the Thursday or Friday.

From my conclusion, I believe that Homer got to sleep in on the Tuesday Morning.
