Course:MATH110/Archive/2010-2011/002/Notes/Modeling with exp

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The exponential function

The exponential function , also written as , occurs very commonly in many applications. It is used to model population growth, radioactive decay, heating and cooling, compound interest, chemical reactions, metabolic processes, and numerous other situations.

In what follows, we'll consider the function as modeling a system which changes with time, and write it as a function of the independent variable .

We'll see later that the exponential function has many interesting and remarkable properties, but for now, we'll make use of just a few.

Algebraic properties

The notation suggests that the exponential function should behave as follows:

We'll see this is in fact valid for the exponential function.

For the notation to be consistent, it had better be true that

Hence we need



is an increasing function of

We'll see later (from looking at models for continuously compounded interest) that

From this, we can show that the number is a positive constant, about equal to 2.71828...,

This is consistent with viewing the exponential function as a raising the number to the power (we have to make sense of doing this for arbitrary real numbers ).

From this we see that the exponential function is an increasing function of , and hence is a decreasing function of .

Rate of growth


So multiplying by the constant 2 causes the function to increase as the square of . Generalizing this observation, we'll think of the parameter as determining the growth rate of .

Summary: modeling with the exponential function

If we have a model which starts at time with an initial size of , and which grows exponentially at a rate of , it will be described by

If is positive, the function will increase with , else it will decrease.

Note that is positive for all values of


This is still a fairly rough draft. The organization of this will likely change, and there's various things that are stated without proof; we'll address this later in readings, lectures, and homework.