Course:MATH102/Question Challenge/2008 December Q7

From UBC Wiki


Problem 7: “Live and Learn”

Knowledge can be acquired by studying, but it is forgotten over time A simple model for learning represents the amount of knowledge, y(t), that a person has at time t (in years) by a differential equation

where is the rate of studying and is the rate of forgetting. We will assume that S and f are constants that are different for each person. [Your answers to the following questions will contain constants such as S or f.]

(a) Mary never forgets anything. What does this imply about the constants S and f? Mary starts studying in school at time t = 0 with no knowledge at all. How much knowledge will she have after 4 years (i.e. at t = 4)?

(b) Tom learned so much in preschool that his knowledge when entering school at time t = 0 is y = 100. However, once Tom is in school, he stops studying completely and only forgets what he knows. What does this imply about the constants S and f?

How long will it take him to forget 75% of what he knew?

(c) Jane studies at the rate of 10 units per year and forgets at rate of 0.2 per year. Sketch a “direction field” (“slope field”) for the differential equation describing Jane’s knowledge. Add a few curves y(t) to show how Jane’s knowledge changes with time.

How much knowledge would Jane have if she keeps studying (and forgetting) for a very long time?


