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Using Images on Wiki

Images: Please be aware of the copyright status of materials you are going to post on the internet. Here are a few places where you can find public domain, Creative Commons free to use, Creative Commons free to reuse-type of images:

Wikimedia Commons. Please check licensing status of each image you are going to use.
Flickr Advanced Search. Remember to click the 'bullet' where filter the search to limit content with Creative Commons-licensed content.
Google Advanced Image Search. Again, click the 'bullet' to limit your search to only images labeled for reuse.

Adding images to your wiki project:

  1. Find the image you like
  2. Make sure you have the proper license before you use it
  3. Embed the image on your wiki page
  4. If needed to, upload the image to UBC Wiki
    1. Name your images with the following file name structure: FNH200_Project_ABC.jpg
    2. Make sure you put the original source of the image
    3. Make sure you have the proper license (eg Creative Commons) to use the image
  5. Link the image to your wiki page

Editing tips: Click here to get help on adding images and pictures on wiki pages.