
From UBC Wiki


Project Title

Local Love Food Hub Support

Organization Name

Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society


Food security, COVID-19, participant experience, healthy foods, infographics

Related Course Concepts

Food justice, Food security, Social class/income inequality, Gender and/or sexual orientation, Cultural identities, Racism

Organization Information

Organization Name

Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society

Mission and Vision of Organization

Our MISSION To develop and facilitate social, educational, cultural and recreational programs and initiatives that strengthen neighbourhood life for a diverse group of community members. What is our vision? To connect, engage and empower community members to create a vibrant, inclusive and caring neighbourhood.

Guiding Principles + Values

Core Values Diversity - We value diversity of backgrounds, circumstances and opinions and strive to include all members of the community as equals. Responsiveness - We are responsive to the ever changing needs of our participants and stakeholders by being open, flexible and proactive in how we meet their needs. Integrity - We operate with a high level of integrity, transparency, honesty and respectfulness in everything that we do. Engagement - We stimulate staff, volunteers and neighbours to listen, connect, partner and engage with our programs and one-another. Accessible - We provide welcoming, affordable and accessible services. Caring - We strive to provide a fun, caring, and safe space that fosters compassion and respect. Excellence - We strive for excellence in everything we do by delivering innovative, professional and effective programs that make efficient use of our limited resources. Empowerment - We empower our participants, staff, volunteers and the greater community through learning, skill development and teaching.

Contact Information

Preferred Method of Contact

  • Best method(s) to contact: Email, text
  • Best day(s) to contact:Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays
  • Best time(s) to contact: Mornings, Afternoons

Preferred Platform(s) for Remote Collaboration

  • Email, Google Meet, Zoom

Project Description

Context: What challenge or issue does the project aim to address?

Food security during covid. What has been the impact of our initiatives; scaling up to handle more insecurity in the Fall 2020; recruitment, management of volunteers. The Harvest Matchmaking program aims to provide Veggie Bags of produce from gardens, urban famers and farmers markets to those who need extra food support; meals for seniors delivered; gift cards. Current funding as a Local Love Food Hub is to serve 1937 people; mostly families and children plus seniors. LMNH is now a Food Hub with the Food Bank; new fridge / freezer to increase our capacity. Our Phase 1 Covid Food Security response April - June 2020 served over 470 people; 170+ kids under age 18; 24 seniors with food hampers and gift cards.

Main Project Activities

1. Conduct the data analysis of the Harvest Tracking

2. Survey recipients of the Veggie Bags for feedback

3. Compile recipes for local harvested produce with culturally specific 'adaptations' of recipes for local produce to include in the weekly Veggie Bags

4. Assist to coordinate Veggie Bag assembly, distribution tasks (all off site, assist to coordinate volunteers)

5. Outreach to other seniors in the community to promote the seniors meals, Veggie Bags and food bank supports and gift cards

Expected Project Deliverable(s)

  • 1 Harvest Tracking Infographic produced
  • 40 surveys completed and analyzed
  • 12 recipes sourced and included in the bags
  • 8 Veggie Bag weeks assist with coordination
  • 1 outreach to seniors organized and implemented

Intended Project Outcome

knowledge of what planted and amount harvested in gardens and yards increased food insecure residents are accessing more healthy food residents know how to cook unfamiliar local produce and the substitutions we make for their recipes seniors know how to connect with us and receive food supports

Student Assets and Skills (preferred or required)

  • data manipulation making a survey communication skills

Student Assets and Skills (to be developed through the project)

  • research Survey administration Evaluation survey results to make effective recommendations Effective outreach to seniors

Are there any mandatory attendance dates (e.g. special event)?

  • no

Is a criminal record search (CRS) required?


If a criminal record search is required, when should the process be initiated?  


Preferred Days of Week and Hours


Related Community Service Opportunities for Students

As cannot be on site, there are limits but could deliver meals, assemble Veggie Bags. This will require discussion and based on the most recent Covid protocols.

Required Reading

Project/Partner Orientation Materials

Students should review these materials prior to the first partner meeting:

  • website; past LFS projects on the Harvest Matchmaking; LMNH Volunteer Orientation Manual

Additional Project/Partner Orientation Materials

The following will be provided at the first community partner meeting:

  • Not at this time

Expected Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

I hope students will learn about...

  • food security, scaling up rapidly and the challenges for a non-profit, time management and capacity to prioritize

I think students will come to appreciate...

  • what we do in food security at this time has many fast moving pieces and the number of people who are insecure is increasing.

Through this project, students will develop...

  • leadership, research skills, project planning, communication skills

Organizational OutcomesHow does the student project contribute to your organization's mission and long-term vision?

Helping to ensure that we are a food secure community; the importance of team work and partnerships; the role of volunteers to make it all happen.

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