Project Title
Accessibility of potential farmers' market locations
Organization Name
Farmers markets, transit, transportation, accessibility, inclusion, local food, economic development, business model
Related Course Concepts
Food justice, Food security, Social class/income inequality
Organization Information
Organization Name
Mission and Vision of Organization
To connect consumers directly with local farmers, small food producers and artisanal makers in order to support the community’s financial, social and environmental objectives.
To celebrate BC farmers, food and handmade items in vibrant, welcoming, community-connected markets.
Guiding Principles + Values
To support local farmers and small business people who grow, make, bake, raise, or wild-harvest their product in BC by creating strong sales channels.
Contact Information
- Primary Contact Person(s): Tara Immell
- Email:
- Phone: 604-446-8272
- Address: Market mailing address: 109 - 9259 Edward St., Chilliwack, BC, Canada V2P 4C5
- Website:
Preferred Method of Contact
- Best method(s) to contact: Email, Phone, text
- Best day(s) to contact: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays
- Best time(s) to contact: Mornings, Afternoons
Project Description
Artisan Farmers' Market wants to provide customers with accessible market locations. With three sites currently, each of the markets has a different customer base. Especially when considering how the number of BC Farmers' Market Nutrition Coupons collected at each location varies widely, there is a concern that customers find it hard to get to the markets via transit. This project will document transit alternatives to the markets, with a focus on Farmers Market Nutrition Coupon customers.
Students will support this research by:
- Documenting transit options to accessing existing markets
- Documenting alternative accessible rides to reach existing markets (e.g. ride sharing)
- Documenting programs at other markets related to accessibility and current barriers (veggie valet, delivery, community-based seniors' shuttles, vehicle rentals, carpooling)
- Investigating transit alternatives at future potential market sites
- Investigating demographics at future potential market sites
The main project deliverables are a map and list of alternatives for reaching each market, including barriers unique to each site, and potential solutions.
What challenge or issue does the project aim to address?
- The primary challenge is information gathering to enable the board of directors to make fully informed decisions in order to increase market accessibility.
Student Assets and Skills (preferred or required)
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Graphical software proficiency, especially related to displaying transit options visually
Student Assets and Skills (to be developed through the project)
- Learning about local farmers' markets, transit barriers, and the BC Farmers' Market Nutrition Coupon Program
- Graphical software proficiency
Is a criminal record check required?
If a criminal record check is required, when should the process be initiated?
Project Location
Burnaby, Lonsdale, or Ambleside Market (students will choose their preferred market)
Preferred Days of Week and Hours
Markets run through the end of October, on Saturdays & Sundays, so plan to do work on at least two Saturdays & two Sundays.
Project/Partner Orientation Materials
Students should review these materials prior to the first partner meeting:
- About our organization (peruse all three locations)
- BC Farmers Market Coupon Program
- Hodgins, K.J. & Fraser, E. (2018). 'We are a business, not a social service agency.' Barriers to widening access for low-income shoppers in alternative food market spaces. Agriculture and Human Values, 35(1), pp.149-162. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-017-9811-y
Additional Project/Partner Orientation Materials
The following will be provided at the first community partner meeting:
- A visit, Saturday or Sunday, to the farmers' market of their choosing early in the project.
Related Community Service Opportunities for Students
Students are welcome to volunteer at any of the Artisan Farmers' Markets, helping vendors at setup/takedown and customers during operating hours.
Expected Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
I hope students will learn about...
- how local farmers' markets support the economy and, specifically, how the BCAFM Nutrition Coupon program supports both people from lower-income households and local farmers
I think students will come to appreciate...
- the accessibility barriers faced by seniors and single-parent households on a limited budget
Through this project, students will develop...
- research skills, communication skills, and graphical software skills
Organizational Outcomes
Intended Project (Short Term) Outcome
- Market managers and social services organizations will gain a better understanding of transportation barriers to accessing artisan markets, especially for customers who do not own or drive personal vehicles.
Medium Term Outcome
If the student project is part of a larger project at your organization, how will the students' work contribute to the goals of this larger project?
- An improved understanding of transportation barriers will inform the identification and development of future market sites in an effort to increase transit accessibility to markets..
How does the student project contribute to your organization's mission and long-term vision?
- Increasing the number of customers shopping at farmers' markets.