Food Experiences at Pacific Community Resources Society
Organization name: Pacific Community Resources Society
Mission of organization: Our vision is ‘Everyone thriving in strong, healthy communities.’ Our mission is ‘Inspiring healthy and inclusive communities through leadership and collaboration’.
Description of project opportunity: Our agency has over 200 staff from Vancouver to Chilliwack and we provide a lot of food. Our Broadway Youth Resource Centre provides hundreds of meals a week. Our question is: What is our participants’ experience with food?
Skills required: Ability to host a conversation, reflective listening and ability to pull themes. Also ability to work with marginalized populations in an inclusive manner.
Skills to be developed through the opportunity: Planning, ability to hear a variety of perspectives and talking to people with a variety of backgrounds.
Project location: Broadway Youth Resource Centre, 3455 Fraser Street, Vancouver
Days of week and hours project will take place: Speaking with participants would occur when the resource room is open from 2-6 Monday to Friday. Planning can take place outside these times.
Primary contact for the students:
Allison Parker, BYRC Supervisor
Address: 3455 Fraser Street, Vancouver
Phone: 604-709-5710
Learning outcomes:
- Have confidence speaking with people from a range of backgrounds
- Gain different perspectives about food
- Gather and report on themes
Organizational Outcomes:
- What do our participants think we should be doing with food?
- Where are there differences and where are there commonalities?
- How should we move forward?