
From UBC Wiki

Name of the organization

Lush Valley Food Action Society


1126 Piercy Ave, Courtenay, BC, V9N 3E6

Website (if applicable)


Arzeena Hamir

Email address:

Phone number


Availability for contact (in September, October and November)

Pretty much all the time via email.

A scope statement for the project

Land Linking Project - The Comox Valley has over 100,000 acres of prime agricultural land but less that 40% of it is actively farmer. A growing list of new farmers are looking for land but have no single point of contact where they can find out what kind of land is available.

The Land Linking Project would compile available farmland data and make this information available both on-line and in print form. In addition, an event will be planned, bringing land owners and land seekers together to help overcome some of the barriers to getting land into production.

Main project goals and objectives:

1. Create an inventory of available farmland in the Comox Valley 2. Create a list of land seekers 3. Plan an event that provides information on leases, how to assess land, etc. fro both land owners and land seekers

Recommended research method(s):

Surveys and interviews

Potential information sources:

Comox Valley Farmer's Market, previous research conducted by LUSH, Stats Canada, Comox Valley Regional District Reports

Expected outcome(s):

Inventory of land owners and land seekers, at least 5 "matches" where land owners find people to farm their land.

Please list potential community service opportunities for LFS 350 students in your organization (preferably related to the project):

LUSH Valley hosts weekly programs including a Young Chefs program, Food not Bombs, and a variety of cooking classes. Students could volunteer at any of these, or at our event that will be scheduled during World Food Week, October 13-17.