
From UBC Wiki

Name of the organization:

Carnegie Community Centre


401 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 2T7

Website (if applicable):


Sharon Belli

Email address:

Phone number:

(604) 665 3545

Availability for contact (in September, October and November):

Away August 14th to September 2nd

A scope statement for the project:

Background: The Carnegie Community Centre is launching a Local & Sustainable Food Procurement project with the goal:
- Reducing our carbon footprint
- Support the local food economy
- Improve food security
- Provide access to affordable, healthy food

Recognizing the contributions procurement can make towards a more sustainable food system, our objective is to increase local and sustainable food at the Carnegie Centre. 

The Carnegie Community Centre is responding to City of Vancouver Priorities as well as the Centre's own strategic plan. Carnegie wants to support the local food economy (the more local to the DTES the better).

Main project goals and objectives:

- Measure the percentage of local and sustainable food procured by the Carnegie Centre (current situation)
- Explore opportunities to increase the percentage of local and sustainable food purchased by the Centre as a way to support local farmers and producers (mapping of assets and possibilities)
- Examine opportunities to partner with other community services organizations (where do mutually supportive connections exist?)

Recommended research method(s):

Potential information sources:

Carnegie has data (on procurement) and food policy

Expected outcome(s):

Solid understanding of current food situation as it relates to dimensions of sustainability Mapping of future procurement possibilities that support local (focus on social) infrastructure.

Please list potential community service opportunities for LFS 350 students in your organization (preferably related to the project):

Sharon is willing to provide overview tour volunteer orientation for the group opportunities to work in kitchen/serving area to get an understanding of volume of service provided (regular volunteer stream).