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Discussion Questions

Choose one or more vector questions to answer using the ETEC 522 course weblog. Tag your responses accordingly.

Vector 1 Activity

Based on what you have read in vector 1 answer the following discussion questions below using the ETEC 522 course site. Tag your response M8V1.

Discussion Question 1: Describe your contribution to the OER and discuss the experience we have provided you with using Google Sites.

Discussion Question 2: Google, Zoho and Microsoft are all providers of collaborative online tools. Do think that Google Docs and Google Sites has placed Google in a stronger position versus, ZOHO and Microsoft? Do you think they will continue to be a future competitor with regards to cloud computing as a provider of online collaborative tools?

Vector 2 Activity

Based on what you have read in vector 2 answer the following discussion questions below using the ETEC 522 course site. Tag your response M8V2.

Discussion Question 1: As an educator, when it comes to choose a best collaboration tool for your students, what are your considerations?

Discussion Question 2: Besides Google Docs and Zoho, can you share another collaboration tool with us that has similar features?

Vector 3 Activity

Based on what you have read in vector 3 answer the following discussion questions below using the ETEC 522 course site. Tag your response M8V3.

Discussion Question 1: Is Google docs and Google sites paving the way to new forms of collaboration or is it simply a technological replacement of what used to exist in the classroom?

Discussion Question 2: If you have used Google docs or Google sites to teach before, please share with us if the free version was adequate or if an upgrade was necessary.

Vector 4 Activity

Based on what you have read in vector 4 answer the following discussion questions below using the ETEC 522 course site. Tag your response M8V4.

Discussion Question 1: Why is the initial training of staff and their ongoing support of staff key to the success of an institution’s plan for collaboration?

Discussion Question 2: Economists often refer to the comment, there is no such thing as a free lunch. How does this relate to Google and the different free services that they provide such as Google Docs or Google Sites? Why do companies such as Google or Facebook provide free programs/services to their users?

Vector 5 Activity

Based on what you have read in vector 5 answer the following discussion questions below using the ETEC 522 course site. Tag your response M8V5.

Discussion Question 1: Explain how Google Sites and Google Docs can be used as a teaching/learning tool.

Discussion Question 2: Give an example of Crowd Sourcing. To what extent was it an effective method of collaboration?