Course:EDUC500/2014/001/Group 5

From UBC Wiki

Group 1 questions

Survey Questions

  • QUESTION 1). What level of education have you completed?

(1) No high school (2) High School diploma (3) Associate Degree (4) Undergraduate College or University Degree (5) Undergraduate Unspecified Diploma (6) Graduate Diploma (7) Graduate level College or University Degree (8) Ph. D (9) Post-Doctoral _______________________________________________________________________________

*QUESTION 2). Do you feel you get too much exercise, too little exercise, or about the right amount of exercise?

(1) Much too much (2) Somewhat too much (3) Slightly too much (4) About the right amount (5) Slightly too little (6) Somewhat too little (7) Much too little


*QUESTION 3). How important is exercise to you?

(1) Extremely Important (2) Very important (3) Moderately Important (4) Slightly Important (5) Not at all Important


*QUESTION 4). If you exercise, what is your main reason for doing so?

(1) I don't exercise (2) Weight Loss (3) Weight Gain (4) Body Image (5) Physical Health Benefits (6) Mental Health Benefits (7) Doctor's Orders (8) To be a part of a team (9) Competition (10) Other


  • QUESTION 5). Do you enjoy exercising?

(1)Yes (2) No

Group 2 questions

  • 5) I am an international student.

1 - True 2 - False 3 - N/A

  • 6) I am confident speaking in class.

1 - Strongly Agree 2 - Agree 3 - Neither agree nor disagree 4 - Disagree 5 - Strongly Disagree

  • 7) I am enjoying my current academic program.

1 - Strongly Agree 2 - Agree 3 - Neither agree nor disagree 4 - Disagree 5 - Strongly Disagree

  • 8)What is your GPA?

(If you feel uncomfortable, just put in any GPA)

Group 3 questions

Interviewee: Parents or Guardians (Sample of families that are enrolled in the Mother Goose Program) Study: The incentives for enrollment

  • 9)What was the reading level of your child before attending the program?

Answer: (1) Below average (2) Average (3) Above average

  • 10)How do you rate the impact of this program on your child's reading abilities?

Answer: (1) No improvement (2) Considerable improvement (3) Exceptional improvement

  • 11)How often do you utilize the program with your child at home per week?

Answer: (1) Never (2) 1 to 5 hours (3) 5 to 10 hours (4) More than 10 hours

  • 12)What is your highest level of education?

Answer: (1) Some high school (2) High school graduate (3) Some post-secondary (4) Post-secondary graduate

Group 4 questions

Survey Questions

   1) Do you feel your previous studies prepared you well for graduate studies at UBC? 1 = Yes 2 = No 3 = I don't know
   2) Compared to your classmates, how would you rate your level of anxiety ( 1 = very low 2 = low 3 = high 4 = very high)
   3) Is English your first language? 1= Yes 2 = No