Course:Carey HIST501
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Carey Theological College HIST 501 | |
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Instructor: | Dr. Joyce Chan |
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Welcome to the Carey Theological College HIST 501 Wiki project space. Please see the project guidelines below.
Instructor: Dr. Joyce Chan
Project #1: Early Church Heresies (Due Oct. 19)
Project Description
This project is intended for creating an inventory of early church heresies in preparation for the zoom class role play on bishops vs. heretics at the early church councils. Many of the false teachings/controversy in the early church still lingers today. This exercise will sharpen our doctrinal knowledge and perspectives.
Project Guidelines:
Imagine that you were one of the bishops or heretics being summoned by the Emperor to be present at the great church councils. You want to spend every effort to discover all the heresies flowing around the Church. As preparation for the class, you will collect background information of major heresies/controversies in the early Church include the following:
- Biographical information of key leader(s) of the heresy/controversy
- Time frame when the heresy “flourished”
- Context that gave birth to the heresy/controversy
- Central beliefs
- Opponents to the heresy/controversy and/or church council which dealt with the heresy/controversy
- Impact of the heresy/controversy to the Christian Church
List of Heresies/Controversies for the inventory:
- Circumcision
- Marcionism
- Ebionism
- Gnosticism
- Valentinianism
- Montanism
- Docetism
- Adoptionism
- Monarchianism
- Sabellianism
- Modalism
- Monophysitism
- Arianism
- Apollarianism
- Nestorianism
- Eutychianism
- Novatianism
- Donatism
- Pelagianism
- Manichaeism
- Quartodecimanism
You will be called upon to participate in a role play in an early church council as a bishop or a “heretic” during zoom class.
On the discussion tab, travel across time back to the contemporary church and listen for voices of any subtle remnants of these heresies/controversies in the thinking or practices of our churches today. Give a brief description of the contemporary heresy/controversy and its theological root in the early church heresy/controversy.
Project #2: Early Church Fathers Hall of Fame (Due Oct. 26)
Project Description:
History is made up of people’s stories. This project gives you the opportunity to research on the life stories of major historical figures in the history of the Christian church and share with your classmates and others on your findings. The early church fathers were intellectual leaders (influential theologians) of the church who made a significant impact on the doctrinal development of the Christian Church.
Project Guidelines:
Research on the life of an early Church Father from the list provided below and put together a 500-word mini biography of the historical figure assigned by the instructor (the list will be posted on the course website). For each mini biography, please include the following:
1.Year of birth and death
2. A short biographical sketch of the church father
- a. Upbringing
- b. Education
- c. Journey of Faith
- d. Influential person(s)
- e. Vocational path
3. Major contributions of the church father such as:
- a. Contributions to doctrinal development
- b. Contributions to pastoral work
- c. Contributions to Christian ethics
- d. Major works written
4. Both short- and long-term impact of the selected church father
Please include photos, website links to their works, video links, etc. and at least 3 reference sources for your research.
Read at least 2 other mini biographies prepared by your classmates and on the discussion tab, share how the stories of the early church father inspire you or how their stories may bring encouragement to the church or to the world today.
List of Church Fathers:
- Clement of Rome
- Clement of Alexandria
- Ignatius of Antioch
- Irenaeus of Lyons
- Polycarp
- Didache
- Hermas
- Origen Irenaeus of Lyons
- Athanasius of Alexandria
- Cyril of Jerusalem
- Basil the Great
- Gregory of Nyssa
- John Chrysostom
- John of Damascus
- Justin Martyr
- Hippolytus
- Tertullian
- Cyprian of Carthage
- Ambrose
- Jerome
- Augustine of Hippo
- Gregory the Great
Project #3: Medieval Popes Hall of Fame (Due Nov. 2)
Project Description:
History is made up of people’s stories. This project gives you the opportunity to research on the life stories of major historical figures in the history of the Christian church and share with your classmates and others on your findings.
Project Guidelines:
Research on the life of a medieval Pope from the list provided below and put together a 500-word mini biography of the historical figure assigned by the instructor (the list will be posted on the course website). For each mini biography, please include the following:
1. Year of birth and death
2. A short biographical sketch of the medieval Pope
- a. Upbringing
- b. Education
- c. Journey of Faith
- d. Influential person(s)
- e. Vocational path
- f. Association with famous historical event(s) and/or council(s)
3. Major impact of the medieval Pope such as:
- a. Impact on doctrinal development
- b. Impact on church polity
- c. Impact on church-state relations
- d. Impact on pastoral ministry and ethics
- e. Major works and important papal policy written
4. Both short- and long-term impact of the selected church father
Please include photos, website links to their works, video links, etc. and at least 3 reference sources for your research.
Read at least 2 other mini biographies prepared by your classmates and on the discussion tab, share what you learned about Christian and pastoral leadership from the life of the medieval popes and lessons for today.
List of Medieval Popes:
- Gregory the Great
- Gregory VII
- Gregory XI
- Leo III
- Leo IX
- Urban II
- Innocent II
- Innocent III
- Agatho
- Callixtus II
- Alexander III
- Martin I
- Martin V
- John XXIII
- Stephen II
- Clement II
- Clement V
- Clement VII
- Julius II
- Leo X