Course:CTLT Course Design Intensive June2015
+MONDAY, June 1, 2015
File:CDI DAY1 SituationalFactors June2015.pptx
Morning | Situational Factors
Hopefully, you have reviewed the 2015 Cohort document before Day One. If not, please do so now. Thanks! To see a plain text summary, please click File:JuneCDI2015-Pre-SurveySummary.docx
In-Class Activity: Constructivist theory and Learning-centred design
During this in-class activity, you will watch a short video on constructivist learning theory: as a pre-reflection tool on why one would design for situational factors. Note! We are aware this video may not be of the best quality however is helpful in achieving our learning objectives for this morning.
Situational Factors
- Introduction – 3 minutes
We will be using formative assessment throughout the CDI to model how we integrate your learning experience into the design considerations we take into our next day's set of sessions.
- CTLT Formative Assessment Form
Please fill in the formative assessment form. You have 5 minutes
- CTLT Feedback Form - Situational Factors - online form (open, edit, save, print from your computer)
- CTLT Feedback Form - Situational Factors - print form
Situational Factors — Jessica, Erin
- The best part about today’s session about Situational Factors for me was……
- because…..
- because…..
- If I could change or add anything to today’s session I would…..
- because…..
- because…..
- I would like more…..
- because ..
- because ..
- I would like less…..
- because…..
- because…..
- I would also like to say/observe/suggest…
Formative Assessment Definition
Please read this definition. You will also receive a hard-copy. Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment
The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. More specifically, formative assessments:
- Help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work
- Help faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately
Formative assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no point value. Examples of formative assessments include asking students to:
- Draw a concept map in class to represent their understanding of a topic
- Submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture
- Turn in a research proposal for early feedback
- We will also pass out the CDI Formative Assessment forms (two copies each). One to fill in and return to us. The other to retain with the definition.
- Participants fill in the Formative Assessment form and hand those in us. – 5 minutes
- Participants review the Formative Assessment that they are keeping - and make notes on it mapping the definition to the form. – 2 minutes
We will discuss their findings in a later session on Formative Assessment. The timing is because we will have a debriefing session about this as part of the formative assessment session after another session.
Course Design Intensive December 2014
Afternoon | Course Goals & Learning Objectives Session
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Explain the DACUM process for course design
- Articulate the difference between a course goal and learning objective
- Create 2-3 course goals for your course
- Write at least two learning-centred learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Resources for "Developing Course Goals and Learning Objectives" Session
Developing Course Goals (resource)
These questions can help you decide on your course goals:
- What are the most important concepts (ideas, methods, theories, approaches, perspectives and other broad themes) that students should be able to understand, identify, or define at the end of your course?
- What big questions should your students be able to answer at the end of the course?
- What are the most important skills that students should develop and be able to apply in and after your course (quantitative analyses, problem-solving, close reading, analytical writing, critical thinking, asking questions, knowing how to learn, etc.)?
- How will you help the students build these skills and how will you help them test their mastery of these skills?
- Aside from knowledge and application, do you have any affective goals for the course, such as students developing a love for the field?
Learning Objectives (resource)
Writing Learning Outcomes (BCIT). Click here for PDF.
File:2015 June CourseGoals & LO Post.pptx (resource)
Formative Feedback for Session on Course Goals and Learning Objectives
+WEDNESDAY, June 3, 2015
Morning | Backwards Design & Assessment
In-Class Activity:
Afternoon | Learning Activities
Active Learning Strategies You Used and How You Used Them:
Short, Concise Descriptions of Some Active Learning Techniques:
Formative Feedback
+ FRIDAY, June 5, 2015
Morning | Rubrics & Evaluation
In-Class Activity: Assessment strategies & techniques
During this in-class activity, you will be able to provide different strategies on various assessment approaches and techniques.
1. Brainstorm/Discuss Various Assessment approaches such as:
- Formal: Multiple choice exam; essay questions; short answer; term paper; lab/lab report; PBL project
- Informal: One minute paper; show of hands; value line, etc.
- Mode: Instructor-evaluated; self-reflection; peer evaluated
2. Choose 2 of the most appealing strategies to you, and 2 of the least appealing strategies to you. For each, answer the following questions:
- Is this best for forward looking/backward looking/ either form of assessment?
- What evidence about student learning can it provide you with? (what is it good at measuring/evidencing?)
- What are potential blind spots for this kind of assessment? (what is it bad at measuring/evidencing?)
- What are potential drawbacks? (what other constraints might impact how and when you use this?)
- Where might it fit in your own course, given your priorities and goals?
3. Review the responses of at your peers, and provide comments/responses to their answers
Afternoon | Creating a Learning-Centered Syllabus
In-Class Activity: Critically appraise whether a syllabus is learning-centered
During this in-class activity, you will have the opportunity to assess the extent to which your syllabus is learning-centered. If you do not yet have your own syllabus, please use one of the following syllabi for this activity:
- UBC MICB 306 Molecular Virology (2013W)
- University of Arizona SPH 435/535 Bilingualism, Multiculturalism, and Nonmainstream Dialects
- University of Manitoba:GMGT 1010 Business and Society
- University of British Columbia, Psychology Dept. Psychology in your life: How social psychology can help you succeed (Dr. Rawn's syllabus is lovely - make sure to check this one out!)
Syllabus Resources
- Syllabus Best Practices (Iowa State University). Has a clean and concise chart which lists elements that a learning-centered syllabus should include.
- Writing a Syllabus (Cornell University Center for Teaching Excellence). Covers the basics on syllabus creation and has links to additional resources. Note section on "How can you motivate students to refer to the syllabus?"
- Syllabus checklist University of Guelph
Here are the PowerPoint slides from our session on Creating a Syllabus: File:2015 Syllabus PPT June 3.Post.pptx