Course:CONS200/2019/Paul CONS 200
Add your introduction here[1]. It should cover the nature of the issue or problem – location, duration, scope/scale, intensity/frequency/severity of negative impacts, current and predicted winners and losers if no remedial action(s) is (are) taken;
Categories of Actors

Those positively affected and those negatively affected.
The evidence for the problem
Sources, their relevance and reliability, balance of argument (for and against), bias declared or inferred;
Options for remedial action(s)
A rationalized and comparative evaluation of options from technical, social, cultural, economic, financial, political, legal points of view (not all of these categories will be relevant to all situations);
Addressed to each of the main categories of actors;
You should conclude your Wiki paper with a ‘One Minute Message’ or ‘Elevator Message’ addressed to a relevant senior government or non-government policy advisor. This means a half page with three sections – (1) to summarize the topic, or some aspect of the topic, as a policy problem, (2) rationalization of the preferred option, and (3) a clear and specific proposal in simple language without jargon for policy-level actions.
Please use the Wikipedia reference style. Provide a citation for every sentence, statement, thought, or bit of data not your own, giving the author, year, AND page. For dictionary references for English-language terms, I strongly recommend you use the Oxford English Dictionary. You can reference foreign-language sources but please also provide translations into English.
Note: Before writing your wiki article on the UBC Wiki, it may be helpful to review the tips in Wikipedia: Writing better articles.[2] (Note that - if you look on the edit screen for this page when you are logged in - you will also see this as an example of how to create a reference!)
- ↑ Sample Reference
- ↑ (2018). Writing better articles. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2018].
This conservation resource was created by Paul. It is shared under a CC-BY 4.0 International License. |