
From UBC Wiki


There is a wide range of workshops in our community that are open to graduate students. The list below presents some options and ideas, but it is not exhaustive. Feel free to explore areas in which you are interested.

1. UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (

Programs include: - Instructional Skills Workshops - Course Design Intensive - Presentation Skills Workshop - Digital Tattoo

2. UBC Writing Centre (

Many programs, some of which include a fee.


Programs include: - Business environment workshops - Communications workshops - Entrepreneurship workshops - Project management workshops

4. VCHRI (

Programs include: - Good Clinical Practice - Project Management - Statistics - Grant writing


Programs include: - Negotiations workshops - Communications workshops - Time Management - Ethics Business Resource Centre - Tools for Small Business - Business Coaching Services

6. Sauder School of Business (most are expensive)

- Project Management Essentials - Powerful Presentations - Leadership - Coaching & Mentoring - Leading High Performance Teams - Strategic Decision Making - Professional Productivity

7. UBC Most Development Workshops

Programs include: - Knowledge Management - Design Your Learning Opportunities - ABCs of Coaching – A Systems Thinking Approach - Email Etiquette

8. SFU Continuing Education

- Career Developing Testing Package ( courseID=CAS110) - Project Management Courses - Risk Management Courses

9. Vancouver Community College

- Brand Management - Business Communications - Business Management - Career Preparation