
From UBC Wiki
Professional Skills
BMEG 590
Instructor: Antony Hodgson
Office: EDC 234
Office Hours: by appointment
Class Schedule:
Important Course Pages
Lecture Notes
Course Discussion

Welcome to BMEG 590 Professional Skills

Please check out the Syllabus page and the list of suggested workshops.

Meeting and Deadline Schedule

  • First meeting: Introduction. Friday, Sep 7, 9:30 am, EDC 232, UBC
  • Second meeting: Discussing plans. ~early November (date and place TBA)
  • Submit Professional Development plan - early December; this should be a relatively short 1-2 page document describing your career aspirations, assessing which professional skills you would most need to build to pursue your intended career, and identifying which workshops and seminars are best suited to help you achieve those goals. Provide a table showing that your proposed plan will total at least 60h.


The BME program has approved an allowance of $100 per student for this course (not per year!). You may submit reimbursement receipts to the BME program administrator within 30 days of incurring the expense, copying me for my email approval. Please state that this is for BMEG 590.

Submitting Progress Updates

  • Please send me a spreadsheet on Dec 15th and April 30th (you can skip the Dec 15th date in your first year) summarizing which workshops you have attended and how many hours you are claiming. Please flag any significant changes from your original proposed plan. Please send it using the subject line "[BMEG590] Progress Update"
  • Also please forward me any event registration receipts (e.g., emails, screen captures from a registration system or scanned receipts) by sending them to me via email with the subject line "[BMEG590] Receipt for xyz". If you attended an event for which registration was not required, simply send me an email with the subject line "[BMEG590] Attended xyz today", preferably with a link to the event announcement.

Submitting Final Report

When you have completed your hours, please send me a final Integrative Assessment by email using the subject line "[BMEG590] Final Report". This assessment should:

  • Review your plan: state your objectives, and provide a table summarizing the activities you participated in
  • Reflect in some detail on the individual experiences
  • Conclude with a higher-level analysis of how the collection of experiences you engaged in have affected your professional development, along with any implications for your future career


  • How many hours does the Instructional Skills Workshop count for? 24
  • I went to Hatching Health all weekend - can I claim 48h? No - we will grant credit for 10h for participating in HH (and, in general, will only grant this for one year's participation).
  • Do online courses count? We can accept some online courses amongst your total hours, as long as there is a reasonable balance between online and in-person events. I will tell you if I think your initial plan is out of balance. Generally, I'll accept up to about 8-10 hours from online courses, so that the majority of your workshops are based on in-person events.
  • Do technical workshops count? No.
  • Does attending a Clinical Research Day count? No. Although a specific professional skills-focused workshop or seminar as part of a Research Day may count.
  • Does volunteering at a conference count? Not in general, but you could count attendance at a specific skills-focused workshop (see above).
  • Do business courses count? In general, no, but specific business-focused workshops do. The point is to augment your skills training with a range of focused events. Generally speaking, with the exception of ISW and Hatching Health, we won't grant credit for more than about 8h for any one activity.
  • Do you have an example of what an "Integrative Assessment" looks like? Yes - click here.