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ASIA 355
History of Chinese Cinema
Photo of Yellowstone.jpg
Course Info
Instructor: Dr. Renren Yang
Chinese Film Reviews
Help & Resources

This project asks each group to write a scholarly film review of an iconic Hong Kong film of 4,000-4,500 words in length (exclusive of the title, group members’ information, image captions, and the “works cited” section). Please see the Project Guidelines for more details. [PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE-- You want to create your own Wiki page through the input box down below -- Renren YANG]

Create Your Chinese Film Review

1. Login to the UBC Wiki

Click the CWL button on the top of the page and login from there.

2. Create Your Wiki Page

We have made it easy for you to create your project page right from here. Just add the title of your project to the box below and click on the create page button (note that you will need to be logged in to the UBC Wiki in order for this to work). Ideally, your title should comprise two parts, such as "By Way of Mass Commodities: Love in Comrades, Almost a Love Story." (notice here Comrades, Almost a Love Story is the title of the film under review/discussion). Please follow "Title Case" or "Headline Style" to format your title, which capitalizes the first letter of certain key words. In Title Case (or “Headline Style”), you will need to capitalize the first letter of the following (NOT including prepositions):

  • The first words of titles and subtitles
  • Nouns, noun phrases, and pronouns
  • Verbs and verb phrases
  • Adverbs and adjectives

Once the entry template loads, hit SAVE one the upper right. You can delete or modify the template when you are ready to start writing your article.

3. Add Your Information to the Project Table

Once you have created your wiki page, add your team information in the course project table (below).

4. Begin Writing!

Your new wiki page will be created with some suggested headings and sections.

Project Table

After you have created your project page, please add your information to the project below. You can edit the table by double clicking on the table.

Team # Project Title

Auto-generated project list