Course:ASIA319/2024/"Hard Control" (硬控)
The term “Hard-control” (硬控) is a new-generation word that comes from video games in Chinese popular culture. The word comes from the ability effect from MOBA games that could “CC” (crowd control), referring to a player using a CC skill that can create coercive control of another player's character to freeze, stun, or knock them down. The main goal is to stop other’s movements using these skills to minimize the movement of their in-game character.[1]
The meaning of “Hard-control” (硬控) became popularized through TikTok and Chinese social media. Initially this term was only used in games, but some people started to use it to describe something that is attractive, eye-catching, or even something unusual that draws people's attention causing them to stop their current action and immerse themselves in it.
By dissecting the word “Hard-control” (硬控), we can gain a deeper understanding of shifting social dynamics in contemporary China. The popularity of this term reflects the influence of the digital world and a society that is increasingly shaped by consumerism and digital interconnectivity shown through the significant impact of games, movies, and entertainment on new generations and cultures. Through the understanding of “Hard-control” (硬控) we can discover social issues such as identity formation, the impact of internet culture, and the rise of subcultural values. Explore how important entertainment is to the new generation and how technology shapes our world, which is changing day by day.
The genesis of the keyword
The word “Hard-control” (硬控) was initially from video games, instead of hardcore in English, to define the word more precisely as “hard-control”.[2] The popularity of video games in the 2010s became fanatics because of the popularization of smartphones. Technology development allows people to play games and videos on their phones.
Nowadays, it’s common for people to have at least 1 game on their phone for entertainment. This increases the spread of popular culture by having a common topic to their friends, family, or partner. In China, alongside the rise of online communities and fandoms on platforms such as Baidu Tieba, Douban, and later Weibo, Bilibili, and TikTok. Create a short video trend that could spread content and culture massively in a short period of time.
The word “Hard-control” (硬控) also comes from short-video at first and spread out to different platforms in China even for people who are not playing video games but use this term as a verb to describe something they saw on the short videos that are eye-catching. People would say “This video “Hard-control” (硬控) me for 30 seconds” which means people that couldn’t stop watching the video until the video ends or even want to rewatch it because of its attraction and draw people’s attention from reality to the video.[2] Just like the game, the character used a crowd control ability to hit people in reality and force them to keep watching the video. The word was spreading out in 2024 and people usually used it on social media, especially in short videos.
Glossary of its explicit dictionary meanings
General Usage / Dictionary Meaning
The term 硬控 is a compound word combining both 硬 and 控. Due to the word’s recent appearance in pop-culture media, the word is not included in many traditional dictionaries. However, by separating the term into its two characters, we can better understand its meaning.
- 硬 (yìng): Best associated with the word “hard”, used to describe something that is stiff, tough, firm, strong or unyielding.[3]
- 控 (kòng): Most often likened to the word “control”, but can also refer to the words “accuse” and “suspend”.[4]
When combined, 硬控 can be best understood as “hard control”. Originally, this pop culture buzzword was seen in the gaming community to describe control skills and effects which inhibit players from controlling their characters. However more recently, “Hard-control” (硬控) is often used to describe someone who is mesmerized by, in awe or wonder of an online video to the point where they can’t look away. Netizens use “Hard-control” (硬控) to denote the feeling of interest and intrigue to the point where they are speechless and can’t look away because they’d become so engrossed in what they are looking at.
Etymological Roots
Both characters of 硬控 are phono-semantic compounds. The semantic part of the character represents the meaning behind it, while the phonetic part imports the heard sounds when sounding out the character.
- The character 硬 is made up of its semantic, 石 which roughly translates to “stone” as well as its phonetic 更 which roughly translates to “change”.[5]
- The character 控 is made up of its semantic, 扌 which roughly translates to “hand” as well as its phonetic 空 which roughly translates to “empty”.[6]
An elaboration of its variegated meanings, actual usages, and value-loaded implications
Usage in video game culture
The term “Hard-control” (硬控) first gained popularity amongst gaming communities to describe skills or abilities which can cause status effects that restrains the player’s ability to control their own character for a certain amount of time.[7] “Hard-control” (硬控) is most prevalently seen is a certain genre of video games known as MOBAs, which includes games such as Mobile Legends, League of Legends and Honor of Kings. However, the term has expanded to reach other genres of games such as MMOs, like World of Warcraft and Diablo 4. When discussed in the gaming sphere, “Hard-control” (硬控) would best translate to English as hard crowd control (Hard CC).[2] This notion of hard CC is in contrast to the usage of soft control otherwise known as soft crowd control (Soft CC). Both share the term “crowd control” which in this context, is an umbrella term which denotes any form of impairment on the player’s control of their character, including both soft and hard CC.[8] Hard CC is used to say that the player has no control over their own character, meaning that they can not move or use any abilities.[9] Status effects that fall under Hard CC are effects such as Stuns, Frozen, Suppress, Imprisonment, etc., which takes full control away from the player. In contrast, soft CC limits the player’s control over their character, but does not take away full control.[9] Examples of soft CC are slows, silences, snares, etc., which reduces the players agency over their character and limits what the player has control over, whilst not taking away all options for the player to act.
Despite the annoyance that players might get while under the effects of “Hard-control” (硬控), it’s role when it comes to video games is quite important in providing an immersive experience for gamers. Crowd control abilities and effects as a whole provide an immersive feeling to the game, combining audio-visual effects with actual gameplay mechanics.[8] For example, if the game were to throw a rock at your character, they wouldn't be walking around as if nothing happened. With the effects of crowd control, the player can be slowed or stunned to show the impact of the rock on your character to amplify the feeling of being hit by a rock. Without the notion of crowd control, the game becomes less believable and takes players out of the fantasy of the video game. Furthermore, with the implementation of crowd control in video games, it adds a level of complexity and strategy into the game.[8] Generally, the status effects of “Hard-control” (硬控) are considered to be quite overpowered, as it completely inhibits a player from controlling their character. Therefore, game designers are required to add things such as cooldowns and crowd control durations to balance the strength of crowd control.[8] In doing so, players must play around the time windows of the cooldowns and durations to capitalize on the strength of the crowd control abilities. If for example, a player is under the effects of “Hard-control” (硬控), it would be best to capitalize on it, as they can not retaliate. Similarly, if a player’s “Hard-control” (硬控) abilities are on cooldown, it would be best to attack during the cooldown time as they are incapable of hard CC’ing you. This push and pull in the strengths and weaknesses of “Hard-control” (硬控) only amplifies its prevalence in video games and for gamers, understanding this dynamic is what makes “Hard-control” (硬控) so important amongst the community.
Usage in Internet Culture
Discourse amongst Chinese internet culture utilizes “Hard-control” (硬控) in a manner that is a bit more difficult to define. It doesn’t have an exact English translation, but instead captivates multiple different meanings of differing English words. Some for example are the words; awe, wonder and enthrallment.[2] Depending on which translation is being drawn upon, the specific meaning of “Hard-control” (硬控) will alter. Therefore, to get a better understanding of the term “Hard-control” (硬控), we must look at its various translations.
Though “Hard-control” (硬控) first began as a word amongst the gaming community, with the rise of online content amongst Chinese citizens, “Hard-control” (硬控) has adapted a new meaning. That is, “Hard-control” (硬控) became a word which conveys the emotional feeling of awe and wonder, captivation, engrossment or enthrallment. When watching a video, “Hard-control” (硬控) is the feeling that you just can't stop watching. Videos labeled under the term “Hard-control” (硬控) are said to have this natural pull, where once you start watching you just can’t stop.[2]
硬控 defined as Awe & Wonder
“Hard-control” (硬控)’s usage within popular culture has become similar to, and sometimes defined as the feelings of awe and wonder. However, there are a few differences in how “Hard-control” (硬控) is used when compared to the phenomena of awe and wonder. Awe and wonder are two words which are quite interconnected, as per De Cruz, awe and wonder can be considered to be “distinct, but psychologically related emotions” (2024: 4).[10] While similar to the term “Hard-control” (硬控), the western perspective of awe and wonder is that they are both emotions that motivate us to explore our environment and learn more about it (De Cruz, 2024: 5).[10] But also, awe and wonder are self-transcendent emotions: they help us move away from a focus on ourselves and our own concerns” (De Cruz, 2024: 6).[10] The way in which awe and wonder is described from a western angle doesn’t exactly align with the Chinese netizen’s view of “Hard-control” (硬控). From online forums, “Hard-control” (硬控) is generally perceived to be something with negative connotations, that the video pulled the viewer in despite possible apprehension. The western view of awe and wonder is that they are beneficial. That from awe and wonder, we are able to pursue knowledge and connect with the environment (De Cruz, 2024:6).[10] While “Hard-control” (硬控) and awe/wonder are similar in their ability to reel in an audience and evoke the same sentiments, they differ in their underlying meanings. Instead of directly translating “Hard-control” (硬控) as awe or wonder, we can better define their relationship to say that “Hard-control” (硬控) evokes the emotions of awe and wonder.
硬控 as Captivation and Enthrallment
Captivation and enthrallment are also both proposed translations which have been likened to the term “Hard-control” (硬控). The two terms of captivation and enthrallment share a very similar definition, being the ability “to hold the attention of (someone) by being very exciting, interesting, or beautiful”.[11][12] Unlike awe and wonder, captivation and enthrallment convey the idea of “Hard-control” (硬控) through the object being looked at. That is, where awe and wonder are the feelings that you get from watching the subject, captivation and enthrallment are the underlying effects that are being projected onto the viewer. However, with captivation and enthrallment it is quite narrow in terms of the qualities of the subject being viewed. Which is that the subject is oftentimes specified as either exciting, interesting, or beautiful.[11][12] While these qualities of captivation and enthrallment are projected through the term “Hard-control” (硬控) and is sometimes alluded when “Hard-control” (硬控) is used online, it is slightly more narrow in it’s approach when compared to how the chinese term is used. “Hard-control” (硬控) seems to be a more general term which doesn’t really specify the qualities of the subject, whereas captivation and enthrallment does.
硬控 as Mesmerization and Engrossment
Mesmerization and engross are two words which are also closely associated with “Hard-control” (硬控) and often times a translation used by netizens and journalists.[2] The two words, mesmerization and engrossment also have very similar meanings and can be seen as something that is capable of having “someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else”, or to give the “feeling of interest that makes you give something all of your attention”.[13][14] While in engrossment is a feeling which would have pitfalls similar to awe and wonder, engross, its verbal form can be substituted instead to avoid it. Furthermore, mesmerization and engrossment are more general terms that can describe the feelings of “Hard-control” (硬控), in contrast to captivation and enthrallment. While it can be used in the same context to describe beauty and excitement, mesmerization and engrossment focuses more on the notion of intrigue.
Amongst the various English translations of “Hard-control” (硬控), mesmerization and engrossment exude the most similar meanings to that of “Hard-control” (硬控) amongst Chinese platforms. However, that’s not to say that other translations are not acceptable. In fact, depending on the context and underlying tones of which “Hard-control” (硬控) is being used, the meaning can shift between any one of the translations above. Whether it be awe, captivation or mesmerization, “Hard-control” (硬控) amongst Chinese internet culture is an amalgamation of all of these English words and can not simply be translated to a single word. But, the essence and meanings behind each one can be analyzed and merged together to convey the same sentiments of “Hard-control” (硬控).
Associated Chinese words
“Soft-control” 軟控
“Soft-control” 軟控 similar meaning to “Hard-control” 硬控 but in various degree. In the MOBA game “League of Legends,” the official website introduced the crowd control effect of the game referring to “Soft-control” 軟控 and “Hard-control” 硬控 as Non-immobilizing effects and Immobilizing effects.[9] “Soft-control” 軟控 non-immobilizing effects mean the effect that doesn’t limit the character's movement when the abilities hit, instead it has different effects to disrupt the character like blind, silence, cripple, disarm, and drowsy.[9] For example, the effect “Blind” is to limit the auto attack damage of a character when they get hit by blind effect abilities, which means the character can still be able to auto attack the enemy character but it won’t do any damage at all unless the effect is gone. The other example would be the effect of “silence”, it’s the effect that inhibits the character casting, which means the character who got hit by this effect will be limited to using their abilities, with only auto attack available for a while. The immobilizing effect and non-immobilizing effect are both crowd control effects but only the immobilizing effect “Hard-control” 硬控 transformed to Chinese slang, barely using the term “Soft-control” 軟控.
“Go to SB’s head”上頭
“Go to SB’s head”上頭, initially means the phase of drinking alcohol and it goes to your head, making you feel slightly drunk.[15] In Chinese popular culture, it transforms to describe something that makes people strongly obsessed with and can’t get enough of it.[16] To be visual, an action or a video could draw people’s attention to the moment and cause an obsession with a particular event, person, or material.[16] Just like alcohol goes to their mind forcing people to lose their ability of decision making and the intention only driven by impulsion. This word is widely used in Chinese social platforms such as Bilibili, TikTok, and Weibo. For example, when someone watches a video that he/she is very interested in and can’t stop watching it until a certain time, it can be described as the video being very “Go to sb’s head”上頭 to him/her. Another example is if a man sees a photo of a beautiful lady on social media and is obsessed with it, he can describe the photo of the lady as making him “Go to sb’s head”上頭, which means he is obsessed with the picture and couldn’t get enough with it. It has a similar meaning to “Hard-control” 硬控 by sharing the similar meaning of something that mesmerizes and draws people's attention.
“overwhelm” 破防
“overwhelm” 破防 This word also comes from video games, initially it means “break the defense” of a game character.[17] In MOBA or RPG games, the character usually has a different number of data to represent the level or the statistic of a character, it usually includes strength, health (HP), Defense, etc. This number combination determines how much damage a character can do after calculating a certain amount of attribute. One of the main criteria is the level of defense, when a character has a high amount of defensive attributes the damage reduction increases. However, that’s not always the case because some of the abilities in the game could “break the defense” in some situations with effects. This action in the game of “break the defense” was applied to reality in some Chinese social media platforms to describe when a person says something to overwhelm another person’s emotion in a positive or negative way.[17] Just like breaking the emotional defense of another person and moving to tears or making an impact on another’s mood. For example, when someone says something rude to another person, it eventually makes him cry in front of the crowd. We can say he was “overwhelmed” 破防 because of those words. Another example is if you saw your best friend got married today and you wanted to cry because it is so touching at the moment, you can say you got “overwhelmed”破防 because the wedding is too touching. The connection between “hard-control” 硬控 they are both terms from video games and transformed into internet slang, it’s common to use these words as adjectives or verbs in Chinese which shows the influence of video games on the new generation.
Similar terms from non-Chinese pop-cultures
헤벌리다 (Korean)
헤벌리다 is a Korean verb that is occasionally used to describe a feeling of shock and amazement. Literally, it means to have one’s mouth wide open and is often used when talking about smiling.[18] However, it also has an alternate meaning in Korean slang to express one’s feeling of awe struck or amazement.[19] This term is similar to that of “Hard-control” (硬控), in that it conveys the same feeling of amazement and this sense of awestruck, to the point you can't stop watching, that “Hard-control” (硬控) conveys.
ハマる (Japanese)
ハマる is a Japanse word which can be translated as “to be addicted (to something), to be stuck on, to be mad for (something)”.[20] ハマる shares the same idea of “Hard-control” (硬控) in that they both indicate the idea of doing something without being able to stop. However, ハマる is even more broad than 硬控“Hard-control” (硬控). “Hard-control” (硬控) specifies the notion of being stuck on something that is being watched, whereas ハマる can apply to any action.
Stun-Locked (English)
Similar to the origins of “Hard-control” (硬控), the term stun-locked had its comeuppance through the video game genre of MOBAs and MMOs. In such games, stun-locked is used to describe a sequential usage of stunning or immobilizing skills so as to keep enemies unable to act.[21] However, with the rise of streaming platforms, the idea of stun-lock came from the game to reality. Twitch, a western streaming platform saw its viewers and streamers using the term stun-lock IRL (In real life) to describe a “state of bewilderment that leaves someone entirely speechless”.[22] Users say stun-locked, as the person in question is often unresponsive akin to the characters in video games when under a stun-locked state.
Binge-worthy (English)
A term used to describe a piece of content that is so captivating and addictive that you can't help but watch or consume it all in one go. It's the kind of content that keeps you up all night, even if you know you have work or school the next day. It's the kind of content that you can't stop talking about with your friends, family, and colleagues.[23]
Social, cultural, and political problems
Fast-Paced Life and the Rise of Attention Economy
- Competition for Attention Resources In the era of information explosion, all kinds of media and platforms capture users' attention through algorithm design and content planning, forming the so-called “attention economy”. The derivation of “hard control” describes modern people's “addiction” to highly attractive content, reflecting the excessive competition for attention in contemporary society.
- Short video platforms (e.g., Douyin(Chinese version of TikTok),Kuaishou) use precise recommendation mechanisms to make users unable to stop watching once they have swiped.
- Popular online dramas and variety shows make use of suspense and rhythmic design to induce viewers to “Binge-watch”.
- Fast-paced and out-of-control contemporary life is fast-paced, free time is filled with fragmented entertainment content, and many people realize that their attention has been “kidnapped” but are unable to break free. This experience matches the original meaning of “hard control” in the game, mapping the powerlessness of individuals in the fast-paced life.[24]
The Entertainment of Online Language and the Influence of Gaming Culture
- Expansion of Gaming Culture's Influence MOBA games like League of Legends and Honor of Kings are highly popular among young people, driving the spread of gaming terms like "hard control" into mainstream culture. This reflects how gaming has become a central part of popular culture, influencing language and expression.
- Entertainment of Language and Emotional Shifts Internet slang often uses exaggerated and humorous expressions to convey emotions, meeting the need for quick and lighthearted communication. The extended use of "hard control" showcases people's enthusiasm for novel phenomena while using self-deprecating humor to cope with concerns about overindulgence.
- Psychological Resonance of Passive Entertainment The term "hard control" resonates with the feelings of being consumed by content and unable to control oneself. This self-deprecating expression creates a sense of community and aligns with the younger generation's search for emotional release in entertainment.[25]
Metaphors of Technological Control and Anxiety
- The Conflict Between Technological Control and Individual Freedom In its extended context, "hard control" suggests the implicit control technology exerts over human behavior, particularly through algorithmic recommendations and behavioral design.
- This phenomenon reveals a latent anxiety about technological manipulation: people recognize they're being "controlled" but find it hard to resist.
- It also reflects the modern ambivalence toward technological advancement—appreciating its convenience while fearing a loss of autonomy.
- Addiction and "Soft Control" From a political perspective, "hard control" as a metaphor highlights the prevalence of "soft control" in modern society: influencing behavior subtly through technology, media, or cultural exports. This "invisible domination" is more covert but potentially profound in its effects.
Engrossment and Perception of Time
Flaherty looks at the role of engrossment as one of the key features in identifying humans’ perception of time. Essentially, he analyzed the subject's stimulus intensity, which engrossment would fall under, on a scale and compared their engagement in activities to their perception of time (Flaherty, 1991: 80).[26] Within this perception of time, there are two sides: protracted duration and synchronicity. Synchronicity would be when perceived time passed is the same as how much time has actually passed, while protracted duration is when we feel as if more time has passed than how much time has actually passed (Flaherty, 1991: 77).[26] Through his studies, his findings were that people experienced a greater protracted duration when under the effects of both high engrossment and low engrossment, while under normal levels of engrossment, synchronicity was likelier (Flaherty, 1991: 79).[26] Under normal circumstances, regular adults are capable of maintaining a reasonable amount of synchronicity. With socialization and mastery of these skills, we are meant to gain a better understanding of time, yet the variety of people’s perception of time still persists (Flaherty, 1991: 84).[26]
Enthrallment in First-Person Games
For another perspective, Stromberg looks at “Hard-control” (硬控) by lieu of enthrallment. In his paper, Stromberg discusses the relationship between the use of first-person perspective in science-fiction video games and how it influences player’s enthrallment with the game (Stromberg, 1999: 490).[27] His analysis hinges on the player’s use of "I" when referring to their played character in the game, which is understood by other players around them (Stromberg, 1996: 496).[27] On many occasions, the distinction between “I” the character, and “I” as in the player can become blurred and would need to be explicitly stated if confusion arises (Stromberg, 1996: 497).[27] However, under most circumstances, the “I” is understood to be referring to the playable character due to the shared engagement in the game being played (Stromberg, 1996: 497-498).[27] This immersion in the game and the shared understanding of the “I” being spoken shows the levels of enthrallment in which these kinds of first-person perspective games involve. Furthermore, apart from means of verbal communication Stromberg presents another method in which this notion of “I” perpetuates enthrallment. Gestures are another way in which the player can express themselves through the eyes of their character (Stromberg: 498).[27] Players use gestures as another way of communication to show depth and immersion in their character, which therefore further perpetuates enthrallment amongst those around them. Things such as a simple raise of the hand or a slight nod would express the feeling of “I” onto their character. Lastly, Stormberg presents the usage of deictic indicators which also exemplifies the feeling of enthrallment (Stromberg, 1996: 499).[27] That is, the player chooses to perform actions through their character, by interacting within the game’s world itself. As Stromberg states, deictic indicators are strong indicators of enthrallment as “the player is sufficiently orientated to the narrative of the game that he forgets, for an instant, that his wristwatch is an artifact from another frame” (Stromberg, 1996: 499).[27] That is, the players themselves are so enthralled with the game’s narrative that they forget it’s part of the game and not reality. Through the means of different kinds of communication, verbal, physical and deictic indicators, the player becomes increasingly enthralled with the game and loses themselves within the “I” of enthrallment.
"Hard control" (硬控) from a specific gaming term to a widely used expression in Chinese culture reflects how technology, entertainment, and language shaped society and impacted our daily lives. Initially an ability effect mechanism from a multiplayer online game (MOBA), it expanded into a cultural phenomenon. The language evolves every day to develop new meaning and purpose. Nowadays, the term represents not just the influence of gaming culture on language, but also a social reaction to the increase of attention in social media. Representing the new generation’s behavior on the internet is fast-paced, even showing the trend of the short video and internet culture atmosphere. "Hard control" (硬控) offers a lens into the development of relationships between people and social media through which we may better understand the interconnections of culture, technology, and human behavior.
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