This is the category for pages related to FNIS 454.
Pages in category "FNIS454"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
- Course:FNIS454
- Course:FNIS454/Adapting Indigenous Stories: Simulation and Interconnectivity
- Course:FNIS454/Decolonizing the Technological
- Course:FNIS454/Digital Disembodiment as a Space for Indigenous reembodiment
- Course:FNIS454/Don't Yell at Alexa: Indigenous Ontologies
- Course:FNIS454/Index
- Course:FNIS454/Indigenous Epistemologies in Cyberspace
- Course:FNIS454/Indigenous Games and Gaming
- Course:FNIS454/Indigenous Survivance and Sovereignty in Video Games
- Course:FNIS454/Making Kin with Machines
- Course:FNIS454/Rethinking Social Media
- Course:FNIS454/Survival Through Video Games
- Course:FNIS454/The Unwanted Labour of Social Media
- Course:FNIS454/What the Frack: Speaking First Nations Truth