CRWR501P Project Instructions

From UBC Wiki

Pseudonyms, Subcategories, Privacy

In our first class, you'll choose a plant or animal pseudonym for yourself. You'll use this pseudonym to link your sources of inspiration and influence. Bronwen will creative a category tag for you, which you'll then use to link all of your entries.

If you have any concerns about privacy or having your real name show up in editing records, follow the instructions below to change your wiki username to an alias.

By default, the your UBC Wiki username and user page corresponds to your CWL username. If you would prefer to change your wiki username or to use an alias on the UBC Wiki, you can send an email to requesting that your username be changed. Please include a link to your current user page and a preferred alias if you have it (otherwise one will be randomly generated). Your username will then be changed - please note that this change is universal and will apply to all work you have done on the UBC Wiki, including edits in the past. If you are using the wiki for course work, please let your instructor know what your alias is.

Step One: "Breaking the Ice" (due 9/13)

You may want to start brainstorming in your notebook. What are some writers, experiences, art works, encounters that have shaped you as a writer?

Pick one to spend some time thinking through.

Write a roughly 250-word entry that includes the following:

  • An introduction to / description of the source written for someone unfamiliar with it.
  • A reflection that discusses how the source shows up in your work or in your thinking, what specifically about it influences or inspires you, and how it helps or hinders your writing. Use direct quotes (from the source and/or your own work) when appropriate to give examples.

Use the Create a Page tab to add your first entry to the Wiki!

This is a Completion-based process component.

Step Two: "First Five" (due 9/20)

Now that you've got the hang of things, add four more entries for a total of five!

This is a Completion-based process component.

Step Three: "Inspirations and Influences" (due 12/6)

Over the course of the term, add more entries and revise or extend your existing entries whenever you feel like it.

You'll turn in a Cover Sheet via the Canvas Assignment Sheet by 12/6 that lists your 10-15 entries. The complete assignment (due by 12/6) will be evaluated based on the degree to which it:

  • satisfies required parameters (10-15 sources, at least one in each category laid out in the cover sheet)
  • describes sources of inspiration and influence in clear engaging language
  • demonstrates self-reflection and engaged thought
  • uses tagging and categories to explore the Wiki's capacity to map threads of connection