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ETEC 511 History of Educational Technology: Discourse Leadership:
Learning Module: Overview :: Audio - Paul & Petrina (2002) :: Reading #1 - Moody (1999) :: Reading #2 - Petrina (2004) :: Reading #3 - Petrina (2002) :: Wiki Activity :: Twitter BackChannel Discussion :: Conclusion
DLG Foundations: Learning Theory :: References

Created and Facilitated by: Rachel Bronk, Sharon Hann, Emily Jarvis, Aaron Mueller and Andrew Olson

TO DO LIST Please sign up for the following:

  • "The Magic Box" Summary - Andy
  • "The Magic Box" Questions - Andy
  • "The Magic Box" Add to Summary and Questions -
  • Moody Summary - Sharon
  • Moody Questions - Rachel
  • Moody Add to Summary and Questions - Rachel
  • Petrina (Reading #2) Summary - Aaron DONE
  • Petrina (Reading #2) Questions - Aaron DONE
  • Petrina (Reading #2) Add to Summary and Questions - Emily
  • Petrina (Reading #3) Summary - Aaron DONE
  • Petrina (Reading #3) Questions - Aaron DONE
  • Petrina (Reading #3) Add to Summary and Questions - Emily


  • Twitter Channel (set up, explanation of activity...) - Aaron DONE
  • Wiki formatting/management - Rachel
  • Main page (overview of "history of educational technology") - Please add to objectives section...
  • Wiki activity ("add a link to something/explanation of a pivotal technology from your early education years"....) - Rachel
  • ID Model rationale (set up) - Rachel
  • ID Model application - Rachel and others...
  • Concluding page (wrap up) - Sharon Emily: I added some content here, feel free to ditch it.


  • Moderating discussion/encouraging discussion - Rachel , Aaron , Emily , Andy , Sharon
  • Adding 1/2 sentences about how ID Model matches personal philosophy - Rachel , Aaron , Emily , Andy , Sharon
  • Looking for supporting images/video/articles - Rachel , Aaron , Emily , Andy , Sharon

Discussion (Comments listed with most recent at the top)

I've added in some thoughts and ideas for the two petrina readings off the main page. Take and look and add your thoughts. In order to prepare for chat tomorrow morning, I'm going to do some exploring around twitter and perhaps getting that setup for one of our weekly activities Aaron (friday 6pm)

The navigation bar at the top of the main page is an example of what we could use on each page. Clicking on the links, opens a new page. I realize these will change but I thought I would show you what we can do here.--RachelBronk 01:19, 24 September 2009 (UTC)

Group 5 - Fall 2009

Assignment Description:

Discourse Leadership (15%)-- Choose one week and topic on the schedule to coordinate the module. It will be your responsibility to clearly re/present the topic and reading(s), and to coordinate the discussions. Please use the approach indicated below. Format: Group Project— groups of 3-4. For the discussion that you lead, please prepare to:

  • Outline the readings (primary and secondary sources) and post this outline to the group.
  • Provide a brief overview of the readings based on the outline.
  • Define key terms or methodological and theoretical concepts that are challenging.
  • Design handouts, discussion questions and presentation media for clarifying the readings.
  • Design activities for the group with attention to inclusive participation. Possible activities include:
    • Discussion focus questions and moderation of discussion forums
    • Chat / Live Forums or Live Classroom
    • Wiki / Interactive
    • WebVoice & Podcast, etc.
  • Moderate and bring closure to the topic for the week.

Apply to Your Discourse Leadership Assignment

  • Design and Develop a module
    • Design the DLG module for a week of instruction (see syllabus for guidelines)
    • Articulate a brief synopsis of the learning theory and way of thinking about ID on which you based your module, which is consistent with your personal philosophy, and is compatible with the context in which you work or hope to work

Readings / Media:

  • Paul, R. (Executive Producer) & Petrina, S. (2002, October 11). The Magic Box: Technology in education (Sound Recording). Washington, D.C.: National Public Radio, Sound Prints.Audio file in Vista -Rachel Bronk 9/19/09 12:29 PM
  • Moody, K. (1999). The children of Telstar. New York: Vantage. 12 Pages in CCM -Rachel Bronk 9/19/09 12:28 PM
  • Petrina, S. (2004). Sidney Pressey and the automation of education, 1924-1934. Technology and Culture, 45(2), 305-330.25 pages in CCM -Rachel Bronk 9/19/09 12:28 PM
  • OPTIONAL See also Stephen Petrina, "Getting a Purchase on 'The School of Tomorrow’ and Its Constituent Commodities: Histories and Historiographies of Technologies," History of Education Quarterly 42 (Spring 2002): 75-111.

Focus Questions:

What does the history of educational media and technology tell us about educational media and technology? Why does it matter?


Can’t we just ignore history and get on with the educational media and technology show? To what degree ought we pay attention to history? Who cares about old media— the future is in new media, isn’t it?

Has educational media and technology paid off over time? Has teaching labour been historically displaced by educational media and technology? What exactly is educational technology as far as history is concerned? Let’s begin this module with an audio file of a National Public Radio Sound Prints show (listen to The Magic Box. Please actively listen with the above (and other) questions in mind…

Next, view a brief film spliced together from segments of National Education Association and Ohio State University films from the 1960s (view Automation of Education clip).

This module addresses issues such as how, why and to what degree media and technology have been incorporated into, or changed by, education over time. Historians readily demonstrate that bureaucracy and technology are inherently central to schooling, yet recent history suggests the challenges of innovating with new media and technologies. Some historians argue that media and technology have been an imposition on humanistic curriculum practices; others describe media and technology as the principle means of progress in administration, learning and teaching. Some lament the separation of curriculum from instruction via media and technology, and subsequent displacement of instructional labour by capital; others champion the creativity and intellectual productivity that media and technology seemingly nourish. This module, like the course, is designed from a basis that educational media and technologies are not merely tools; educational premises are neither fully durable nor pliable; and actors or agents of education are not merely humans. It begins with the historiography of media and technology in education, proceeding through histories of textbooks, mass media, tests, cybernetics, programmed learning, teaching machines, computers and digital devices.

For a refresher on history-- what it is and what historical research involves, download and read What is Historical Research?

Testing - Just trying it out. Sharon How do I insert a you tube item?

Amueller has access. Test...test.

Hi again!

It looks like our order of priorities is as follows: 1) establish our ID model (choose from the ones listed in Module 2) Rachel - I'm thinking Gagne's Conditions of Learning is the most straightforward and conducive to our type of presentation. Emily - Sounds good. Aaron - looks good to me! Andy Sharon - reviewing the Module intro three things were mentioned: imposition of technology, progress it offers, and the creativity it encourages It's important to mention all sides in the historical review.

We also should try to decided if we break this up by 'issue' or by readings. While I agree we shuld each take one reading to focus on, breaking it into subjects not so blatantly taken from the readings list will help our grade.

2) establish our how we are going to deliver the presentation Rachel - Twitter for general thoughts; Wiki for posting questions, supplying handouts, supplying media?; Should discussion questions be unpacked within wiki or within Vista discussion threads? I have set up a Wiki for us on the UBC Wiki server. Emily - Thanks Rachel for setting up the wiki. I think that we should have activities/media within the wiki, but have discussions within Vista. Although to take full advantage of a wiki, it might be nice to have something that is collaboratively constructed there. Maybe have more official discussion questions within Vista, and less formal ones/observations within the wiki. Maybe within the wiki we could have a collaborative keyword construction section, in addition to the personal story relating to ed tech I suggested below. Thoughts? Also: Do we want to run an LF that week (I think its a good idea). We could use whatever our discussion prompts from Vista are as our foundation for the LF, while being flexible to the ideas/directions of our peers. Thoughts? Aaron - checked out the wiki and tested "editing" the main page. Andy Sharon - wiki, Twitter (I don't tweet but can), thinking of a class mind map exercise, also a 'fun' section where people can relate their personal history with technology (ie first time they sent an email, embarassing moments, etc) Just a thought: we should probably pick a few activities to focus in on (discussion questions, wiki activities [mind map? media links? personal sharing page?], LF, twitter) without going overboard. I'm just thinking form a participant (rather than designer) standpoint. When I participate during the other weeks, I definitely don't want to feel too overloaded or overwhelmed. Our goal is to outline and clarify - let's try to keep it tight. 3) divide up responsibilities Rachel - If we take the tandem approach, I would like to look more closely at the Moody reading and Magic Box sound recording. Emily - I'll look at Petrina Readings. I already found a youtube video of students using teaching machines, hosted by Skinner. Will send link soon - I'm at work, and sadly no youtube! Aaron - Going through the Petrina articles right now, will look at the youtube videos soon! Andy Sharon - I'll focus on the Moody article. Will try to do a mini history starting with this leading to youtube today.

Would it be reasonable to set a deadline for figuring these things out by this Wednesday? I left some spaces above so we can even write in our own thoughts.


Wednesday is good with me - Emily

Aaron - Wed is good for me too!

Hi all,

These suggestions all sound great. I am also thinking, however, that we probably all need to do the readings in order to know (holistically) where we are going and an overall sense of the task at hand.Definitely! I meant to say that the team reading would apply to the in depth stuff whereas I might only read the other articles once -Rachel Bronk 9/20/09 2:47 PM I'm not saying that we have to go this route - just throwing in my thoughts on the issue. I'm probably way off with this, so please ignore if you want. I agree, however, that as far as an in depth analysis and activity development goes, it makes sense to break up the readings into the two factions, as suggested by Rachel.

We also need to decide on which ID model we are going to use to design our module. (I just noticed that part yesterday!) We have to select one and include a quick justification/explanation of how it fit with what we were doing.

I think that in sticking with multi-modal delivery, Aaron's idea of setting up a twitter channel (which, embarassed to say, I still have not used!) is a good addition. I was also thinking it might be nice to design our module presentation within a wiki and have some sections that are developed by our classmates. A wiki forum would also be a nice place to post possible videos or podcasts linked to our topic (...if we find something on youtube, for ex) as well as images, etc. Just some ideas I'm thinking about.

One wiki page could include an 'activating prior knowledge' activity where students are challenged to recall/recount a personal encounter with educational media or technology and the effect it had on their learning. Possibly a positive and a negative. (I'm thinking of some of those old-school educational videos that they spoof on the Simpsons. I'm also thinking, though, of my Dad's experience teaching in Northern Quebec in the 70s, when the whole town would anticipate the arrival of the next NFB borrowed feature of the month...)Great idea! -Rachel Bronk 9/20/09 2:49 PM


Hi All - I have pasted the readings/commentary from Vista about Module 5 on the left here. It looks like there is one audio commentary, 2 required readings and 1 optional reading. From skimming the optional reading, it looks very closely related to the required Petrina reading (both talk about Sidney Pressey) although the optional reading looks to be about 35 pages, it has giant footnote references so it is actually quite short.

What do you think about "team reading" - if we are a group of five - 2 of us can tackle the audio file and the Moody reading and 3 of us can tackle both of the Petrina readings?


Yes, that sounds good to me! Breaking up the readings and each of us tackling one is a good way to do it. Handouts are also a good idea, or maybe just "help documents" that we can share with the class. As to an "inclusive participation", maybe we could try and get everyone to get a twitter account, and we can create a twitter channel...say "#ETEC511Hstry or something like that and we can have a twitter conversation about the weeks readings as we are reading them?

Must go find that weeks readings and check them out!


Hey folks,

Do we maybe want to divide up the readings and do one each in order to get better understanding and then create some form of handout or assignment based on those readings? I'm just trying to get my mind around the approach we should take. I'm open to other ideas as well!

Cheers, Andy

Sharon - Are we supposed to find additional readings/resources? - my interpretation was that we are supposed to clarify the readings, but can add extra resources if we see fit. I would lean away from that route, as we need to keep in mind that we are supposed to be facilitating for the rest of the group, and the assigned readings are quite substantial already.