User talk:Szagar

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Nice draft pages523:32, 23 June 2011

Nice draft pages

Hi Suzan,

I just wanted to drop you a note to say that I think your draft pages are looking great. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything or if I can do anything to help.


Will - WikiAdministrator18:17, 23 June 2011

Thanks Will! I have really been learning lots about wiki markup language! I really do wish you were around, but I guess I will have to wait until Sept! I have questions for you, and I am looking forward to having you back here! Right now I am working on for Lee Ann!

One question: Those gold and grey bars on this page, when I create a wiki book, they are short, and centered across the printed page. How can I make the bar go 100% across the page?

Cheers, Suzan

Szagar18:27, 23 June 2011

That's a good question and I do not know the solution off hand. I'll look into it and hopefully get back to your shortly.


Will - WikiAdministrator18:30, 23 June 2011

Thanks so much Will! I appreciate it.

If you don't mind another question from Lee Ann... The Course Pages I am working on for Lee Ann are Library Course Pages, but Lee Ann would like to merge the wiki content i.e. with the Nursing Department Course Pages on the wiki. I can see where you can choose to set up a new wiki course page, but Lee Ann would like to know a good wiki naming convention, or place (Home)to put my draft pages on the wiki: NURS305 NURS504

Cheers Will Thanks, Suzan

Szagar19:13, 23 June 2011

Hi Suzan,

I'm still looking into the question about the gray and gold bars in wikibooks. It looks like the wiki book creator strips out table sizes (which is how the bars have been created) when it converts wiki pages into pdf documents. So far I haven't found a work around but I'll keep looking.

I'm not sure that their are currently any nursing department course pages on the wiki at this time (but I hope there will be in the near future). If Lee Ann is okay with not having these pages in the Library namespace, I think they would fit very well in the Course namespace. I would think about naming them something like Course:NURS305 or Course:NURS504. Another possibility would be to name them something like Course:NURS305/Research or Course:NURS305/Library Help. The second option would allow for additional (non-library) course content to be built out in the space space (for example Course:NURS305/Lecture 1).

Please let me know if that makes sense.


Will - WikiAdministrator23:20, 23 June 2011

Thanks Will! I will let Lee Ann know.

Cheers, Suzan

Szagar23:32, 23 June 2011