User talk:AndreaWong

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Peer review020:35, 27 March 2017
test018:46, 27 March 2017

Peer review

You have given a great description of the instrument and I find the comparison to the violin to be very interesting. Make sure that you properly embed the links under the "See Also" heading because none of them actually lead to pages. I see your notes about adding a picture of the instrument with labels and I think this is a good idea. It would also be a good idea to include a picture of the position in which it is played that includes the bow as well, as I found the descriptions under "Position", "Bowed", and "Plucked" to be confusing. What does it mean to play using "both sides of horsehair" and how do the belts and strings go between the sound box and rest (and what is a rest), yet around the waist?

The term "qian jin" is used twice to refer to two things, once referring to a "nut" and once to a "loop of string", it would be good to clarify if there is a difference. For "String Properties", describing them here would be beneficial to your wiki project because it would integrate some physics into your page; describing the stick-slip mechanism might help to do this as well. It looks like you might have had some trouble with the references and linking them to their citation, make sure you include them at the bottom of the page instead of full links throughout your page.

Your notes for "Bridge" that ask "what does it do" and "why do we need it" are really good questions, so to answer your question "should I include this section? is it important?" I would say yes, I'd be interested in the elaboration.

I know that it is still a rough draft and you have included some notes to yourself as reminders and there are so I won't go over sentence structure here, but overall it has good readability and the headings are well organized, while there are a lot and they are quite brief, I think this is ok here.

If have any questions about my suggestions feel free to message me back. I hope this was helpful!

JulianaWinter (talk)20:33, 27 March 2017