User talk:AlfredKo

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
PHYS 341 wiki project draft peer review023:59, 23 March 2017

PHYS 341 wiki project draft peer review

Your wiki article is well thought out, but I believe it could be cleaned up in some areas. Linking to existing wiki articles for certain terms would be useful (ie Helmholtz resonator, the constant use of A0 may be confusing to some people).

It might be useful as well to break up the massive section you have into smaller pieces, making it easier to digest. There are some sentences that tend to run on, or are hard to follow with grammatical errors, such as “along with air resonances, play an essential to role f-holes in amplifying and controlling…” There are some slight inconsistencies in data as well, at one point you claim the ideal frequency to resonate at is 295Hz, and then later say the ideal f-hole length resonates at 290Hz.

GarrettHartnell (talk)23:59, 23 March 2017