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Excited for math tomorrow!

==The Pythagorean Theorem==

A man named Pythagoras studied in Greece and in Egypt. His passion for mathematics lead him to start a math group called the Brotherhood of Pythagoreans. He wrote a lot of mathematical proofs and his group influenced a lot of his work and research The Pythagoras theorem was said to have been discovered by Pythagoras, however may have been influenced by the Brotherhood of Pythagoras. The Pythagoras theorem is an equation used to find an unknown side of a right triangle. He found that in a right triangle, the side opposite to the 90° corner, is called the hypotenuse, you can also find this side by looking at the triangle and taking the longest side of the three. If you put squares on the other two sides of the triangle, Pythagoras found that this side, called the hypotenuse, was equal to the sum of the two squares. This is shown in the equation a2 + b2 = c2., where is c is the hypotenuse and a and b are the other two sides.