
From UBC Wiki
One of my family, called "Happy"

Karin Yamashita

University of British Columbia, Vantage One College

Faculty of Arts


I am a first year student at UBC Vantage One College. I am from Japan.

I like to socialize with people! I like to play sports especially running. I love dogs and I have four dogs in my house.

I have interest in social problems, especially environmental geography. I like to discuss, and think why it occurred and how can we solve the problem.

Academic goals (2019-2020)

This year, I aim to experience lots of different things. This is my first year in university and there are lots of differences from high school. I want to participate in lots of different activities and events.

Through the experiences, I want to find my weakness and strengths.

School activities

I am in the Japanese Association club and the Japan Career Network.

I am in the executive team (sports department) in the Japanese Association club.

Volunteer Experience/Community Involvement

I have participated in a few volunteers and communities such as beach cleaning, fundraising, student council and Model United Nations. I liked to participate in Model United Nation because I am interested in social problems.

Music and Athletics

I like to play sports! Such as track and field, swimming, basketball, badminton, etc. I participated in track and field club for four years. I played piano for eight years and violin for four years.


-      Athletics award (Grade 10)

-      IB learner profile award; Open-minded (Grade 12)

-      IB English B award (Grade 12)


This is the picture I took in UBC

My hobbies are watching music videos and hiking. I like listening to music, so I watch music videos. I like to go hiking especially I like to go to the sea. On the weekend, I walk around the campus to refresh my mind!