
From UBC Wiki

Courses Taken


Since I'm in library school I do some assignments, and from time to time I like how they turn out. Here's a smattering of things I've done.

LIBR559M Social Media for Information Professionals

  • Making A Mashup Friendly Library: A guide how libraries can make their content more remix-friendly, touching on open data, licensing and examples of what libraries have done already. (This was a group project.)

LIBR535 The Instructional Role of the Information Professional

  • Self-Publishing Comics: The slides for a 10-minute workshop on the pros and cons of choosing to self-publish your comics in print or on the web. It was designed to be a segment of a larger comics-creation workshop for a public library's teen program.
  • Using Flickr to find Creative Commons photographs: A 90-second YouTube video explaining how to find photos you can freely use (with attribution) on Flickr.

LIBR579B Topics in the Management of Libraries and Archives: Community-Led Libraries

LIBR502 Foundations of Resource Description and Access

LIBR500 Foundations of Information Technology

  • Twitterbrary project: A series of blog posts analyzing how small libraries are using Twitter.
  • Talking to Transhumanists: This is a demonstration of my HTML and CSS coding abilities; don't worry about the weirdness of the content. It was all done in MacVim, which I am strangely proud of.