
From UBC Wiki

History of the Debate Over Homework In the USA (of course!)

Early 20th century

Homework = a discipline for children's minds
Homework = memorization like multiplication tables
Homework = a key schooling strategy

The 1940s

Homework = an intrusion on students' home life

Late 1950s

The Russians launch Sputnik and the Space Race was on!
Homework = rigourous
Homework = knowledge of subject matter (as opposed to problem solving ability)
Homework = a means for accelerating the pace of knowledge acquisition


Homework = too much pressure on students to achieve
Homework = causing potential detrimental emotional consequences


Homework = practice, optional, an antiquated form of "teaching", punishment, still debated

A Quotation

Harris Cooper writes that "research on homework has often been cited to support one viewpoint or another. Furthermore, even though research is sparse, it is ample enough that persons hoping to substantiate a point of view can find a few studies to support whatever position they desire. And perhaps most regrettably, research has not helped define the role of homework in schooling, or helped even out the oscillations in public attitudes."[1]


  1. Cooper, Harris M., and PsycBOOKS. Homework. New York: Longman, 1989. Print.