User:DavidKohler/Relearn Habits Research

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Here, I store or guid my various research and readings relating to Relearn Habits.

A blog post gathers these principles: - tiny habits - focus on one habit at a time - remove barriers - stack habits

Deepak Chopra offers the following ideas for new year's resolutions in the shape of habits: - using mantras, such as "I am not that person anymore" to create a new context for your self. - the rest is advice around listening to people you don't listen to and favouring expanded awareness. Not actionable.

Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt points that dieting does not work. Rather, mindful eating does. It does not necessarily make people thin, but it is effective at preventing weight gains. She explains that your brain has an idea weight range for you and it will stick to it. Being outside of that range is difficult. That ideal weight range can easily move up, but very rarely down.