UBC Wiki talk:Discrimination Against Canada's Indigenous

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Feedback006:10, 30 November 2019
Great information!019:43, 29 November 2019

Awesome job in giving an overview of the types of discrimination and injustices Aboriginal people are experiencing in Canada and the US. I think it would be perhaps easier if you focused either on Canada or on the US, as the development of the settler society has not been the same in both countries. Also the writing needs a bit of editing, for example, sentences such as these are awkward and I think the message gets lost: "The colonization of Canada by European settlers forced Indigenous people into a world in which they had no idea of."

LiuYang1 (talk)06:10, 30 November 2019

Great information!

Hello! Great layout and information, I would suggest to add pictures/other visuals to make the page even more professional looking. I liked how you included specific acts and policies in the body paragraphs as it provided specific details as to the discriminating nature of the policies and Acts put into place.

It would be a good addition to include what needs to change about the health care system in order to provide Indigenous people with proper access, as it shows that this is an issue that CAN be solved. As well as adding stories/quotes of some Indigenous people who have first hand experienced this discrimination. Thanks for your contribution, I enjoyed reading it!

AumberRai (talk)19:43, 29 November 2019