Peer Review

Peer Review

The article is very well written and mostly complying with the writing standard for encyclopedia entries. Your wiki entry is very well structured and has clear sections defining exactly that which you wish to write about. Your writing is clear, concise, and objective. For the most part, it seems like the wiki entry has little errors thus far. Your usage of images is appropriate and reinforces the text.

I would suggest that you work on giving more definitions on terms such as "buzzer" or when a vibration "lives". Furthermore, as someone who has no knowledge in this field of instruments, some clarification that mbiras and kalimbas are synonymous would be helpful. Sometimes, it seems like you start drifting towards writing the wiki entry like an essay, such as when you write "The purpose of this article is to explain the ways in which internal resonance boxes and external resonators affect the instrument's sound", or using terms such as "In any case" which seems out of place as this is not an essay. Other times, there are some sentences that seem a bit unnecessary, such as "See figure 1 for an example of a mbira with gourd mounting as a resonant box. ", as the image is sufficient. Also, please refrain from using terms such as 'lives' or 'destroys' as they seem more descriptive than scientific, and doesn't really illustrate the effect from a physics standpoint of view (but of course this is minor nitpicking). You frequently make use of parentheses, and at times it creates a colloquial tone to your writing. I would limit the use of parentheses, as they usually create a break in the flow of writing anyways.

Lastly, there are just some grammatical errors, such as missing punctuation ("frequencies more prominent This is usually.."), and some awkward sentence structures. A quick revision should suffice in correcting these.

JustinTam (talk)06:08, 27 March 2017