Peer Review
Overall your project is well done. You have covered the requirements and there are only a few minor things to review.
First is the use of digits and written numbers. There are few cases in which switch between the two and perhaps it will be beneficial to choose one style over the other for consistency. For example at the end of the second paragraph in the Well Temperament section: “5 kinds of minor 2nds and major 7ths, […] , 5 kinds of tritons, and 3 kinds of perfect 5ths and 4ths” and then in the next section written numbers are used; “The most stable major thirds […] most stable minor 3rds are those of the keys of A and E”.
Next is the very minor use of Oxford comma, some places have them and other times it is not used. It would be beneficial to stick to one just for consistency again. 1. “octave into equal semitones[6] , or intervals” – I would delete the comma in this case as it is excessive. 2. “kinds of tritons, and 3 kinds of perfect 5ths and 4ths” 3. “being more austere, and noble.[10]”
Some sentences can be condensed or rephrased, such as : “Furthermore, in well temperament, because there are several types of perfect 5ths and 4ths, depending on which key is being played, the piano resonates in different ways when the sustain pedal is pressed.[18]" This would make your work a little more concise.
Otherwise, your visuals are set and you have linked up key terms to the Wikipedia pages. Your work is well sourced and cited. Good work!