Peer Review

Peer Review

"However, most viewers will choose a male character as their favourite because they claim that they are the funniest. This ambivalence is caused by: 1. Audiences are still adhering to the stereotype that men are funnier than women. 2. Women showrunners are giving their best jokes to men. In both cases, there is still a tendency to conform to the negative stereotype that women comedians aren’t funny, even in today’s society."

This phrase should be supported by a citation, or reasoning/ examples to further illustrate the point. Right now it still needs more of an explanation of why this is the case.

Your Wiki is full of history, which includes present day analysis, however I feel that you need a "What is there being done now to fix this" "how is the industry changing" "how can we create change" specifically and answer to a question of sorts. This further engages the reader to certainly find meaning in the article rather than just history.

GodfreyCheng (talk)07:02, 23 March 2018