Potential Additions

Potential Additions

This page provides a brief but comprehensive insight into the concept of white feminism! Might I suggest however, including a section that explores the notion of “reverse racism” as asserted by white feminists. You can consider the arguments claiming the existence of “reverse racism,” followed by a debunking of the myth. This can be done by defining racism in terms of power and privilege, as well as distinguishing between racial prejudice and systemic racism.

Furthermore, you can create an additional section examining the prevalence of white feminism in popular culture and the media. This is merely a suggestion to get the ball rolling but maybe list a few mainstream white feminists (e.g., Lena Dunham) and expand on how/why their behaviours are problematic (e.g., Islamophobia, cultural appropriation). You can also discuss previously or currently trending feminist topics on Twitter and other social media platforms that were created as a form of resistance against white feminism (e.g., #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen). My final suggestion involves exploring the ways in which white feminists continue to silence and dismiss the experiences of women of color within feminist spaces and the movement itself (e.g., attempts to “save” oppressed Muslim women from their religion and culture).

KimYsabelAnorico (talk)12:45, 19 April 2015