Phrasing and Statistics

Phrasing and Statistics

Hey! Looks like you have a really good start on your wiki-- you chose a very interesting topic! I have just a couple of thoughts as I read through this article that I thought I would share: 1. I learned in one of my political science courses this year that the terms "developing countries", "poorer countries", etc. are not politically correct as they perpetuate the ideal of the westernized nation... Its just a minor comment but I think the term "less economically developed countries" (which can be shortened to "LEDCs" to save you word count!) may be more appropriate-- but it's totally up to you! 2. I can see that this article is a WIP, so I'm not sure what exactly you're planning on doing, but I think the use of a "statistics and relevancy" section might be helpful to clearly and concisely communicate the major issues (statistics of HIV diagnoses in LEDCs, contraceptive availability, etc.) that are related to your article! Once again, just a thought :) I can't wait to read the article in full once you're finished! Keep up the good work :)

AlizaMarieSmith (talk)19:34, 26 July 2020

Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it! And good catch on the "developing countries" part :) I have changed that to rural areas of Africa, so hopefully, that makes it better!

AllisonCadigal (talk)08:51, 28 July 2020