Article length

Article length

Hey! You have a great start to your wiki so far! I find this topic so interesting -- in fact, it is what I did my animation video assignment on! The only thing I worry about with your wiki at this point in time is the length of the article-- it seems like you have a lot of headings and sub-headings ready, which are all interesting and relevant! However, this assignment is only supposed to be 1250-ish words, so you might want to look into narrowing down your topic a bit so that you can comfortably go into depth in your discussions, as opposed to breadth of many topics! Examples could be choosing to discuss the medicalization of depression in a specific industrialized country, or choosing one of the broader sub-headings and seeing what you can discover about it! For example, you could do the history of the medicalization of depression in economically developed countries and discuss the major important historical developments in depth, or you could do issues in the medicalization of depression for minorities and discuss LGBTQ+ and ethnic minorities in more depth! These are just random ideas though-- I'm sure your wiki topic as is will turn out fantastic no matter what you decide!! I can't wait to read the finished wiki!:)

AlizaMarieSmith (talk)20:04, 26 July 2020

Hey! Thanks so much for the feedback, I actually hadn't noticed my word count so that was really useful and i'll definitely keep an eye on it. You're right that my title is quite broad so i'll look into narrowing down the focus to something more in-depth. Thanks again!

HeidiCollie (talk)01:08, 27 July 2020