Great topic - I want to learn more!

Great topic - I want to learn more!

Hi there! I love this topic so far! What I felt after reading this wiki is that I really feel like I want to know more. It's a great start you've gotten here - I feel like there is a great base of general information. When it ended I felt like I wanted to keep reading, especially when you start discussing effects of surrogacy on the surrogates - this is where it got really intruiging to me. It would be interesting to find more facts/statistics surrounding this area in particular. Is there any case studies (like mentioned in the above topic) that you could link us to, youtube videos that depict a surrogate situation, or even more details about the prevalence of surrogacy around the world? I think adding a bit more content specifically could really elevate this wiki. A fun piece would be to mention surrogacy in pop culture! There are several examples I can think of where in movies or tv-shows surrogate mothers or pregnancies are depicted and it could be interesting to include these types of information as well. Great work!

BrennaWaugh (talk)06:46, 6 August 2016