Capitalism & Anomie and their Relation to Suicide-- Sessen Stephanos

Nayantara, I agree with your comment on how Durkheim's proposal of capitalism and anomie is happening in our contemporary society. In my opinion, the idea of anomie and people committing suicide comes from capitalism. In countries that capitalism works best have people committing suicide than third world countries that are in poverty. When people go through an increase in wealth and to become successful, they work so much that they forget what the meaning of life is to them, so when taking away the wealth they receive leads to anomie. The more money people chase in a capitalist world, the easier for them to commit suicide when they are not able to get commodity and wealth in the long run. I believe that third world countries are more happier and healthier than rich countries because they do not work too hard and they accept whatever they get, but in countries where capitalism plays the most, the people are less happier and healthier and they have higher chances in committing suicide and going through depression.

AshtiWaissi (talk)03:43, 12 March 2017