

Hello Aly! I want to first say how this is a great topic as it is such a prevalent and important matter to constantly bring awareness too. I think you did a great job in explaining your topic and it's different components in detail. I do appreciate the amount of well incorporated references in supporting your wiki page because I have come to see topics being ignored when there isn't a sufficient amount of information at your hands which I think you did great on! I think it would be interesting to see what other minority fraternities are like or fraternities in different geographical locations if that changes anything at all depending on the culture of the country and city.

AvneerDhillon (talk)23:41, 23 July 2019

Hi Aly,

Great job on your page thus far. I agree with Avneer, in that I appreciate the amount of references you included. It is very helpful as it gives readers the opportunity to expand beyond your post and indulge into the world of knowledge. I encourage you to check out the book Fraternity Gang Rape: Sex, Brotherhood and Privilege on Campus. It is another relevant resource to your chosen topic that I noticed you have not mentioned in the references.

Great work, Krysten.

KrystenLindquist (talk)17:07, 25 July 2019