Peer Review

Peer Review

Great page. I often have thought about the effect how popular media portrays adolescent females in films and your page does and excellent job addressing the issue. While you do state that the female teens in films are mostly Caucasian, attractive, etc., maybe from an intersectional point of view, it would be beneficial to briefly address the effects this severely limited portrayal has on all the teens who are not represented in the media's portrayal of female teens. Maybe not only the effect of this portrayal on the un-represented teens could be addressed, but also the effects/outcomes of this certain portrayal to the larger society, as in does it reinforce certain cultural standards of say, beauty etc.? As well, inserting wiki links are helpful if the reader wants to know more about a concept/idea you address. In your case, maybe providing a link to social cognitive theory would be beneficial for those who want to read more in depth about it. Just some suggestions! Nice work!

LeahWalden (talk)00:30, 22 March 2018