Over-representation of Indigenous offenders in Cdn prisons

Over-representation of Indigenous offenders in Cdn prisons

Hi Khadija,

Great topic. I have been learning more about the way white society in Canada have been treating or mistreating First Nations people. One of major impacts of this systemic discrimination/racism has been the long history of Indigenous prisoners over-represented in Cdn prisons. One source by Malakieh for Statistics Canada gives a lot of grim statistics about this topic. For instance, even though Indigenous people make up only 4.1% of Canada's adult population, yet in both provincial and federal prisons, Indigenous adults make up 27-28% of the prison population. In Saskatchewan, the Starlight tours you mentioned are not really surprising because racism against First Nations is very high in that province. First Nations make up 15% of Sask. population but 76% of Sask. prison population is Indigenous. They need to prosecute more racist police officers who are so willing to risk indigenous lives by dropping them off far from home in the middle of a snow storm. They obviously don't care if the person lives or dies.

JiaminDai (talk)06:00, 25 July 2019

Malakieh, J. (2018). Adult and youth correctional statistics in Canada, 2016/2017. Statistics Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/85-002-x/2018001/article/54972-eng.pdf?st=1-R_cHs-

Sorry, forgot to post the reference from Statistics Canada on Indigenous over-representation in Cdn prisons.

JiaminDai (talk)06:13, 25 July 2019