interesting topic!

interesting topic!

What an interesting choice of topic! With discussions of the gender spectrum becoming increasingly prevalent in current events, I have often felt that the topic of intersex children has remained taboo and left out of the conversation. As a result, it was very interesting to learn more in depth about how our culture percieves this as a medical issue instead of a natural way of being.

One critique I do have for this as a "wiki" page is that this wiki had many normative statements, making it clear how the author positioned themselves. While I agree with the author, I dont feel that this wiki is the best place for "shoulds" and right vs wrong (ex. As genital surgery is unnecessary for a child's physiological functioning,[1] it should be delayed until a child is able to provide informed consent.) I think this wiki would be stronger if normative statements were removed and this article was written as less of opinion piece.

Great job!

KatherineManshreck (talk)04:48, 27 July 2018

Thank you for pointing out my tendency to make normative statements. I tried to edit for a more objective stance! Writing for a wiki is definitely different from what I'm used to writing.

MerriTan (talk)14:49, 3 August 2018