Weekly Weather Forecast

Weekly Weather Forecast


According to weekly weather forecast, shower will be continuing in some specific production regions; such as northeast and mid Atlantic northwestern California and western portions of Washington and Oregon, which means that it will boost the harvest of wheat. Meanwhile, the harvest of soybean and corn will be hampered again in these regions. In addition, dry weather will increase the speed of harvest for soybean and corn in South, but it has a detrimental influence on growing crops. Warm and dry weather are going to be dominant in the Plains as well as in the Corn Belt, which is ideal for corn and soybean harvest. General speaking, the majority of U.S will have dry weather, which contributes to harvest. In Brazil, the main production regions for soybean are Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Parana and so on. And the production in these areas is threatened by extremely dry weather. The weather condition is forecasted to be good for the harvesting season, so mainly corn, wheat and soybean production will all rise.

Source: http://www.agprofessional.com/weather http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/the-nations-weather/2011/10/03/gIQAWdI7HL_story.html

Zoe Wang22:32, 3 October 2011