Wiki Critique

Wiki Critique

Overall thoughts:[wikitext]

  • I really enjoyed the wiki article but I think a little bit of a reorganization could be very useful. Specifically, I think some sort of background section convering the MDP / DP fundamentals would be good to get out of the way so I can clearly understand the contributions of each of these papers
  • I thought the abstract was good, but perhaps a more fleshed out introduction would be nice to have. Specifically, it would be good to prime me with an expectation about why I should be interested in the problem of episodic RL and why DP in the context of that problem is important.

Detailed critiques:[wikitext]

Title Block[wikitext]

  • Introduce authors of papers, and title. Transform the raw url into a link with text.


  • may contain sensitive information such as personalized medical treatment applications - what is a medical treatment application?

Paper 1[wikitext]

  • Most of the MDP notation is pretty standard. Perhaps move it to a background section since the MDP terminology is not the specific contribution of the paper
  • Generally in RL the agent interacts with the environment. How does that compare with the interaction with users in the episodic RL algorithm block?
  • In the UBEV algorithm, it would be nice to get a blurb about what the algorithm is before seeing a wall of text. I don’t know what to look for when reading through this algorithm because I don’t have context about what it is doing.
  • You talk about the Q function but you didn’t introduce the Q function in your MDP/RL background section.
  • Add a (JDP) after the first instance of Joint differential privacy so I know what the acronym means.
  • Not sure if it is relevant but I’m curious what the difference between JDP and DP is. Maybe add a sentence about that?

Paper 2[wikitext]

  • I don’t know what a prefix count is
  • I like the intro to the PUCB algorithm. That is exactly what I’d like to see for UBEV
MatthewNiedoba (talk)20:56, 13 February 2023