Accent reduction courses

Accent reduction courses

Hi Harjyot,

Thanks so much for bringing this topic to light. I was particularly interested by your mention of accent reduction courses. Recently I read an article by UBC's paper, the Ubyssey, which mentioned an accent reduction course at UBC that had been cancelled. The course was initially promoted as pertaining to job interviews, but in actuality, it was general accent reduction.

I think it might be interesting if you could talk in your entry about the social and cultural implications of an accent reduction course. I personally feel that such courses may have utility if a person is having a hard time being understood in the workplace due to their accent. At the same time, such courses could promote xenophobic intolerance of accents in the workplace, and unnecessary cultural assimilation as opposed to fostering diversity. Perhaps you could delve into this a bit more in your section on Youth, as it has particular significance for young immigrants or international students trying to enter the job market.

ShannonBenson (talk)20:53, 24 July 2019