Source variety and content suggestions

Source variety and content suggestions

Hi, thank you for compiling this information. I want to follow up on the suggestion from Charmaine on including more specific information about the type of education that is provided in many US schools; that is, that many states focus on abstinence-only education and do not provide any practical education such as on how to put on a condom, or information about where or how to get birth control; or open, safe discussion about variation in sexual orientation or preferences. There seem to be correlations between lack of realism (wait till marriage to have sex) and lack of practical information that is often part of abstinence-only education (and there are definitely cultural factors behind this in the US and other countries, as you've noted) and high numbers of teenage pregnancy.

Here are some links/article references that provide further information on this, including from the Guttmacher Institute.

I would also like to suggest including more variety of sources to support the data you've provided. Possibly some of these links could help towards that.

On a technical editing note: In the title, affect should be used (instead of effect).

OliviaBauer (talk)04:55, 6 August 2016