Tone of Topic

Tone of Topic

Hi Namomba,

I enjoyed reading your wiki post and the diverse perspective you have. However, I am not too sure if a personal perspective is a way to go if we are looking at a traditional wikipedia post. I do feel very informed reading your experience however I feel it that it might turn the post more into a blog post instead of a wiki post. What I would suggest is finding articles and research for similar experiences by other individuals who started to identify as an African migrant. This way, it keeps the tone of the topic in one direction with informative research to back it up.

AvneerDhillon (talk)00:01, 24 July 2019

I also want to say that I think it is very important that you included "Degrees of Blackness" into your topic as it is sometimes something that a lot of people don't seem to understand as an issue within racial oppression.

AvneerDhillon (talk)00:02, 24 July 2019

Hi Avneer,

Thank you so much for your feedback!

NamombaShaputu (talk)01:54, 1 August 2019