Great Start

Great Start

Hi, I think you have made a really great start on your page explaining the Me Too movement. I can see that so far you have focused on the Hollywood dimension of the Me Too Movement and I would suggest further researching Tarana Burke, who is the founder of the Me Too Movement. There is an erasure of Tarana Burke in the media so it would be interesting to see how her erasure translates to the erasure of marginalized individuals in the Me Too Movement. I believe Tarana started the movement in 2007, to help black girls and women who were the victims of sexual assaults heal. The movement became largely recognized when a celebrity tweeted #MeToo and I think exploring that would be interesting to add to your page! I think it would be beneficial to include the history of the movement as it is really interesting and most people are unaware of it. I have some really inspirational quotes from Tarana Burke regarding the Me Too movement:

“For every R. Kelly or Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein, there’s the owner of the grocery store, the coach, the teacher, the neighbor, who are doing the same things. We don’t pay attention until it’s a big name, and we don’t pay attention 'til it's a big celebrity” Tarana Burke

“It defeats the purpose to not have those folks centered—I’m talking black and brown girls, queer folks. There’s no conversation in this whole thing about transgender folks and sexual violence. There’s no conversation in this about people with disabilities and sexual violence. We need to talk about Native Americans, who have the highest rate of sexual violence in this country.” Tarana Burke

I also know that Tarana Burke has made some really interesting tweets about her erasure and lack of recognition! That might be something cool to include. My final suggestion would be to possibly include a section on the alliances of the Me Too Movement. I know that Black Lives Matter, March For Our Lives, and the Woman's March have all supported Tarana Burke and the Me Too Movement. Good Luck!

HaileyLock (talk)22:24, 20 November 2018